Finance Week 2024 Logistics

UVAFinance Week Logo

UVAFinance Week 2024

See the Finance Week 2024 Schedule

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  1. Boar’s Head Resort Information and Map
  • You will enter from US-250 (right side on map.)
  • The Welcome Reception on Monday, 4/15, 4-6 pm, will be held in the Hearth Room, located downstairs from the Mill Room Restaurant in the main hotel (#1 on the map.)
  • The meeting on Tuesday, 4/16 will be held in the Pavilion (#9 on the map.) 
  • Parking is free at the Boar’s Head Resort.
Boar's Head Property Map for Finance Week

2.  Lodging (For travelers)

  • When you check into the Boar’s Head, indicate that you are with UVAFinance and give your name. All reservations have been made on your behalf. 


3. Eating

  • Breakfast, lunch, and snacks will be provided on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. On Monday and Wednesday there will be late afternoon receptions, and happy hour on Thursday as well. Dinner is on your own each day.
  • Contact Lorriane Keuling at by end of day Friday, April 5 if you require special dietary needs for the breakfasts and lunches. We will contact the caterers and if your request cannot be met, we will let you know so that you can plan accordingly.


4. Workspace in Carruthers

  • Wednesday morning and all day Thursday, we will be onsite at Carruthers. Please use FM Interact to reserve an individual workspace:  If no spaces are available, contact Stacey Rittenhouse at to reserve a space.
  • Directors – please be sure to work with Stacey to reserve space for team meetings.


5. Memorial to Enslaved Laborers tour

  • There is still space for the  Memorial to Enslaved Laborers tour. The Memorial to Enslaved Laborers (MEL) acknowledges the work and individual lives of the enslaved African Americans who built the University of Virginia and sustained daily life from its founding. We will be honored to have Professor Louis Nelson (Professor, Architecture School, and Vice Provost for Academic Outreach) speaking to us on Tuesday morning, so this memorial tour will be a great way to end the day!
  • Transportation will be provided to the Memorial and back to Boar’s Head. The bus will leave at 4:15 and will return back around 5:45.
  • If you are interested in participating in this tour, please use this survey to sign up.


6. Headshots

Headshots will be taken on Wednesday, 4/17 at Carruthers. Please sign up here. Contact Brandi Van Ormer at if you need to have a headshot taken and there are no spots left.

7. Professional Development sessions

  • On Thursday 4/18, 9:00-10:15 and 10:30-11:45, two professional development sessions will be held in Carruthers Hall.
  • Descriptions of the sessions and enrollment information will be sent separately within the next two weeks. Look out for that email (which may also include last-minute logistics information and reminders).
  • You are strongly encouraged to enroll in at least one of the sessions, and you may enroll in both if you’re interested. These sessions will be held in Carr-1 and 2, with overflow space, if needed, in the Collab rooms and Carr-7 and 8.


8. Nametags

Pick up your nametag on Monday afternoon before the Welcome Reception OR Tuesday morning during breakfast at Boar’s Head.


9. Transportation

  • To Boar’s Head from the airport and back: Use Uber or Lyft. You will need to submit an expense report for this expense. If you choose to rent a car, the cost will not be reimbursed.
  • While in Charlottesville: Coordinate with other colleagues who are staying at the Boars Head and have their cars for rides to and from Carruthers and other venues during the week. Carpooling is encouraged.
  • Commuters (even those staying at the Boar’s Head) will not be reimbursed for mileage, to and from Charlottesville, or while in Charlottesville.


10. Parking

  • If you will be parking at Carruthers Hall, please use the Online Parking Portal to purchase a permit. You will need a permit for Wednesday, 4/17 and Thursday, 4/18 for the Y1 lot. The cost for the daily permits will not be reimbursed.
  • Please do not park in any of the visitor spots. You may be ticketed if you do.
Carruthers hall parking map










  • On Wednesday, 4/17, we will be at Alumni Hall in the afternoon. Parking will be available in the Central Grounds garage and a code will be provided in advance.