If you need assistance or have questions please reach out to UVAFinance
Supplier & Payee Registration
PaymentWorks is UVA’s latest supplier registration system, which was launched in October 2021. PaymentWorks is a third-party business identify platform that specializes in secure transmission of online payment information.
Suppliers who register on PaymentWorks maintain a single account across multiple PaymentWorks clients. For example, many other universities use PaymentWorks today, so a supplier can manage their account information across all of their various customers.
PaymentWorks replaces Total Supplier Manager (TSM) at UVA, is integrated with Oracle to feed supplier information, and will also be integrated with Workday Financials.
- Enterprise Payment Terms
UVA offers standard terms:
1.5% Net 15 via Automatic Clearing House (“ACH”) Direct Deposit Net 45 via Check
All suppliers are eligible for and will need to pick one of these two terms unless they fall into specific supplier groups, detailed in the “Additional Terms Options & Qualifications” section.- History of Payment Terms
The University’s default payment terms were established at Net 45 in 2016 but were inconsistently applied across the university’s supplier/vendor base. As a result, several inequities were inadvertently created that Procurement and Supplier Diversity Services (PSDS) has been prompted by our business community to address.
In July 2021, PSDS initiated an enterprise approach to payment terms to demonstrate our commitment to equitable treatment of our suppliers. This adjustment is also part of our commitment to support a more holistic and paperless payment process through the ongoing adoption of the ACH payment method.
- Additional Terms Options & Qualifications
There are allowed exceptions to UVA’s enterprise terms:
- Small, women-owned, and/or minority-owned businesses (“SWaM”): suppliers can apply for reduced fee terms at the time of their new registration. Businesses must contact supplierdiversity@virginia.edu after submitting their PaymentWorks registration. After a review process, businesses who qualify can receive reduced terms of .5% Net 15 via ACH/Direct Deposit for all future POs and invoices (no substitutions).
- Pre-Existing Contracts: All existing contract terms will be honored for the duration of the contract or until termination, renewal, or amendment of the contract at which time the University of Virginia reserves the right to negotiate for enterprise terms. Contracts negotiated prior to enterprise terms being established will apply. They will be updated to match enterprise terms at the next renewal period.
- Design & Construction Vendors: Due to state requirements that construction & design firms pay their subcontractors within 30 days, this supplier population is offered Net 30 ACH. These firms are welcome to choose 1.5% Net 15 ACH if preferable. If a Design and Construction firm can demonstrate that the majority of their subcontractors are SWaM designated, they will be eligible for .5% Net 15 ACH. Note, many sub-contractors are small, woman-owned, and/or minority businesses. These vendors will have the option to sign up for .5%Net15 terms as well.
- Utilities, Rent, Government Agencies: Net 30 ACH will be allowable.
Launch PaymentWorks Supplier Invoice Lookup Tool
Send Invoices to
Suppliers should send PO invoices directly to Accounts Payable by PDF, by email at vendor-invoices@virginia.edu
- Invoices must include a valid PO number on the header of the invoice, and a clearly-marked total.
- UVA PO numbers will fit one of the two naming conventions:
- A 10-digit alpha-numeric code beginning with "PO-" and followed by a 7-digit number. If "PO-" exists, you must include that prefix on your invoice (e.g. PO-1234567).
- A 7-digit numeric code with no prefix (e.g. 1234567).
- UVA PO numbers will fit one of the two naming conventions:
- Invoices must include an invoice number.
- Invoices must be sent as PDF documents.
- Statements shall not be submitted for invoice purposes.
Suppliers registered in PaymentWorks can view the status of their invoices in the Invoice section on their Profile page. If you are not registered in PaymentWorks, please contact askfinance@virginia.edu and we will send you an invitation to register. Until you are registered, please use our Invoice Lookup Tool for more information about your invoice.
We strongly encourage sending invoices by email. If sending by mail, send to:
- University of Virginia Accounts Payable
- PO BOX 400197
- Charlottesville, VA 22904
Andrew Clark