

The Gift & Endowment ImageNow system through Perceptive Content is a document repository that provides schools and units access to documentation related to their gift and endowment accounts that were previously only accessible through central UVAFinance.

Gaining Access to ImageNow

Users seeking access to the Gift & Endowment ImageNow system must sign a non-disclosure agreement, submit an security role request, and have the ImageNow software installed on their computer. An overview of the steps necessary to gain access to ImageNow is provided below.

  1. Non-Disclosure Agreement: Each user of the Gift & Endowment ImageNow system is required to sign a non-disclosure agreement prior to submitting a security request for access. Signed agreements must be sent to UVAFinance via AskFinance prior to the security role request being approved. The non-disclosure agreement can be physically signed and scanned to be sent to AskFinance or Please access the non-disclosure agreement here.

Note: The non-disclosure agreement can be physically signed and scanned or signed electronically by each individual necessary for completion. To sign electronically within Adobe, please have both individuals use the Fill and Sign tool.

  1. Security Role Request: After sending the signed non-disclosure agreement to UVAFinance, users must submit a Document Imaging System (ImageNow) security role request within Workday. Department security role requests will be forwarded by UVA Finance to the appropriate Dean’s Office for approval.

Security Role Request Process:

  1. Log in to Workday
  2. Under the menu select ‘System Access Requests’
  3. On the System Access Request Dashboard, select ‘Document Imaging Access Requests’ under the System Access Requests header
  4. Click ‘Create New Request’
  5. Select the employee name and select ‘Add’ under the question regarding the type of action needed
  6. Press Ok
  7. On the next screen, enter ‘Advancement Finance’ under the column for Specific Module Requested
  8. In the Sub- Module column, enter ‘Advancement Finance’
  9. In the Role column, enter the selection that includes the specific business unit for which you are requesting access. The selection will look like ADV_FINANCE_BU_VIEWER, where BU will be replaced by your specific business unit prefix (Ex. AS for the College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences)

Note: Security role responsibilities for the system are broken down by business unit prefix and users in units are administrative offices should only request access to ONE related BU prefix. The ‘ADV_FINANCE_ALL_VIEWER’ responsibility is only available to central UVA Finance and University Advance staff

  1. Add a comment explaining the individual’s need to access the system
  2. Submit the request for approval routing


  1. LSP ImageNow Software Installation: Once the security role request has been fully approved, users should contact their Local Support Partner (LSP) to have the Perceptive Content software installed on their computer. The Perceptive Content Client software and additional information related to the installation of the software can be found on the Document Imaging System website.

Note: It will take 24 hours for the necessary VPN filter to be applied to the individual’s VPN account. If you are still not able to access the system after this 24 hour window, please reach out to your LSP for assistance.


ImageNow Navigation

The system allows users to search for and view documents in a variety of ways. Please note that users will only be granted access to documents relating to the gifts and endowments held by their school or unit. Users will not have access to documentation relating to gifts and endowments held by other University business units. For a visual guide on how to navigate the various search options, please the Gift & ImageNow User Reference Guide.


Did you know
Users seeking access to the Gift & Endowment ImageNow system must sign a non-disclosure agreement, submit an ESHARP request, and have the ImageNow software installed on their computers.