Named Professorships

Named Professorships

Units can expect to see the Primary Gift linked to the Named Professorship as of September 22. When Gifts are linked to Named Professorships, the Gift Worktag gets a new “tab” on the Worktag landing page which will allow users to navigate back and forth between Gift and Named Professorship. This does not impact any accounting functionality; it's just to aid in navigation.

The team will be doing ongoing cleanup through October. Initially, the Gifts Team only converted the Primary Gift that schools/units provided, as Workday does not have the capacity to link more than one Gift to a Named Professorship. The team is still investigating other routes we can take to get this data visible in Workday, or whether this information should be stored outside of the system. As a part of this initial exercise, units also provided information on duplicate and old records that need to be removed from Workday, and will collaborate with HCM on this cleanup in October.   

Should units need to make a change from original submissions, please contact

Appearance within Workday

The Primary Gift will have a new attribute tab labeled “Named Professorship”

Any additional Gifts associated will be identified in the “Addition Data” tab on the Primary Gift

Naming Conventions

As we complete this conversion, all Named Professorships will be flipped from being linked to a Basic Gift to the Workday Financials Gift Worktag. To preserve specific information for HCM during that flip, they have asked that we add a naming convention to the Named Professorships. This will also be visible on the Named Professorship records after September 22.

  • BC:  Bicentennial Professorship
  • DIR: Directorship (not a Professorship)
  • DNU: Do Not Use
  • EM:  Eminent Scholar
  • EN: Endowed Chair (Basic Default if nothing else)
  • JSF BC:  Jefferson Scholars Foundation and Bicentennial Professorship
  • JSF EM:   Jefferson Scholars Foundation and Eminent Scholar
  • JSF:  Jefferson Scholars Foundation
  • UP BC:   University Professor and Bicentennial Professorship
  • UP JSF BC:  University Professor and Jefferson Scholars Foundation and Bicentennial Professorship
  • UP JSF EM:  University Professor and Jefferson Scholars Foundation and Eminent Scholar
  • UP: University Professor

Reports that units can run to view named professorship:

  • Named Professorship Information
  • Named Professorship Detail Reports