If you need assistance or have questions please reach out to UVAFinance
Sourcing New & Diverse Suppliers
- Consider Internal Buying
- Gently used University-owned property at the UVA ReUSE Store Cavalier Computers
- UVA's non-profit tech store Full-service digital design, development, and hosting solutions from ITS Custom Applications and Consulting Services
- Departmental gifts, promotional items, general books, clothing, computers, and more at the UVA Bookstore
- Printing, copying, design, and mailing services at Printing & Copying Services Research Core lab services supported by the School of Medicine Maintenance, signage, recycling, and many more services from Facilities Management
- Information Technology Services from ITS
- Strategic and operational planning, process improvement, organizational effectiveness, and project/change management services from Organizational Excellence.
- The Value of Recycling and Waste Reduction
Govenor Youngkin's Executive Order 17 is a bold step and challenge for us to meet the new standards for buying goods and services in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Anders Coe
Sourcing Specialist - Scientific Discovery

Ajoni Wynn-Floyd
Project Associate