The Internal Service Delivery (ISD) process functionality within Workday must be used to pay for provided goods and services between internal departments. The Internal Service Provider (IS)) is the unit that provided the goods or services and is responsible for generating the ISD transaction. The ISD post an expense to the FDM worktags of the unit receiving the goods or services and a recovery to the FDM Worktags of the providing unit (ISP). If your unit is not already setup as an Internal Service Provider (ISP), you will need to request the creation of the ISP before and Internal Service Delivery (ISD) can be created. To request the creation of an Internal Service Provider (ISP), fill out the following template and submit a request via AskFinance for creation of the new Internal Service Provider. If you are not sure if your unit already has an ISP set up, you can view a list of all ISPs using the Internal Service Provider Information report in Workday. You can put your company in, and select OK to get the full list for your company.
Link to ISP Request Template
For more information see training - Internal Service Delivery - Self Paced