Now that the investment income ledger accounts have been suppressed from Account Certifications, you may want to see that activity. Note: This information does not need to be reviewed as it is reconciled in central finance and is rolled back into the investment.
The Investment Income Ledgers that have been suppressed are:
4400: Investment Income
4401: Investment Income – Debt Proceeds
4402: Investment Income - OSP
You can find this activity by going to the General Ledger Detail report in Workday.
Things to narrow down the search to find the Investment Income:
Enter Fundriver in the Journal Source field.
Select the Fiscal Year in the Year field.
Select the month in the Period field.
Enter the Ledger Accounts (you can use the list above) in the Ledger Accounts and Summaries field.
Enter Cost Center in Cost Center field.
Enter Cost Center Hierarchy in the Cost Center Hierarchies field.
Enter Gift in the Gift Field.