Professional Development FAQs

What is “Professional Development”?

Professional Development includes training courses or programs, both instructor-led (in person or virtual) and self-paced/online, conferences, certification programs, Workday Learning Center training – any opportunity or event you participate in to improve yourself through learning, with the purpose of advancing workplace skills and competencies.


What is our process in UVAFinance for requesting Professional Development?

The process begins with a conversation with your manager. Once you have decided on a professional development opportunity you would like to pursue, discuss with your manager and submit the Professional Development Request Form. The form will route to your manager for approval and then to the Senior Leadership team for a decision. If your request is approved, you will receive an automatic notification. If your request is denied, the reason is entered in the request and your manager will be notified. If you are pursuing multiple opportunities at the same time, you must submit a separate form for each.


Where do I find the Professional Development Request Form?

Here is the link: Please bookmark it for easy access.

Do all Professional Development opportunities require submission of a request?

You must complete the form for any offering you are interested in, except if an offering is both a) free; and b) completion of the program requires less than 4 hours. In other words, if there is any cost associated with an offering you must complete the form. If completion of the offering will take you ½ day (4 hours) or more, you must complete the form. This applies:

  • Individual courses
  • Training programs
  • Certification programs
  • Conferences
  • Workday Learning Center courses or Workday Pro tracks (Workday training for which you use credits)

Do I need to complete the form if I am participating in a course offered by UVA Human Resources or another UVA department?

Most of the UVA Human Resources offerings have no charge. Some departments (Darden, for example) have courses and programs that have a fee. If the course is free and less than 4 hours, there is no need to complete the form.

Yes, but only if the course is 4 hours long or more.

Do I need to complete the form if I am interested in using training credits for courses and programs available in the Workday Learning Center?

Yes, you must complete the form and it must be approved by your manager before enrolling in the program in the Workday Learning Center.  This is true for any enrollments in the Workday Learning Center, regardless of the number of credits that will be applied. Completing the form does not enroll you in the program or course in the Workday Learning Center. They are two separate processes.

Do I need to complete the form for LinkedIn Learning courses available in Workday?

Typically, these courses are free and less than 4 hours in length, so completing the form is not usually required.

Do I need to complete the form if I am using the centrally funded Education Benefit?

Yes. Always consider using the centrally funded Education Benefit first if the opportunity is eligible. Enter the amount that will be covered by the Education Benefit on the form, even if the benefit covers the entire cost. Requesting the centrally funded Education Benefit is a separate process. Be sure to complete the Professional Development Request Process and get approval prior to submitting the request for the Education Benefit. Once the Education Benefit is approved by HR, you will receive the amount requested in your regular pay, and you pay for the course or program directly. You will not request a separate reimbursement. Also be sure to fully understand the tax implications of accepting the Education Benefit.  More information on using the Education Benefit can be found here. For questions specifically pertaining to the Education Benefit (not related to our UVAFinance process), send an email to

If UVAFinance is paying for my professional development, how to I request payment?

You may cover the cost yourself using person funds and submit an expense report for reimbursement.

Pay for it using a departmental T&E Card. Send an email to to get help with paying on a T&E Card.

Do I need to get approval from my manager if I am pursuing a professional development opportunity that doesn’t require completion of the form?

You should discuss all professional development opportunities you are considering with your manager.

What if my manager is out when I need the form approved?

Send an email to and ask for the form to be reassigned to the person who is covering for your manager while they are out.

When should I complete the form?

Complete the form after discussing the opportunity with your manager. If the offering is an event that will take place on a certain date(s) submit it as far in advance of the date(s) as possible. The form will go to your manager for approval, and then to the Senior Leadership Team who discuss requests as part of their weekly team meeting. If approved, you will receive a notification. If the request is denied, there will be an explanation provided and your manager will receive the notification.

Can I make a change to the form after I submit it?

No, if you need to change any information after you submit the form, please send an email to and ask that the case be assigned to the training queue.