Labor Distribution is the process by which charging instructions are entered into Oracle for payments for academic personnel, ensuring that payroll earnings are distributed to the correct PTAEO.
- This process does not determine whether or how much an employee will be paid. The pay type and frequency of pay is determined by the supervisor and entered into Workday.
- This process is not used for Medical Center or University Physicians Group (UPG), whether or not they are charging ACD fund sources. This process, known as a costing allocation, is handled in Workday by the Manager.
- Check out this Costing Allocation presentation to learn more about Workday costing allocation and how UPG and MC employee labor and fringe costs are applied to ACD fund sources.
- Element Mapping Guide (will open as download, not webpage) - use when creating or verifying an Element level schedule
- Expenditure Type Search: Not sure what Expenditure Type to use in your LD Schedule? Check out the Expenditure Type Search on Procurement's website. Most likely, you will want to filter by Category: Wages. The results display the expenditure types next to their descriptions.
- Labor Distribution Training Guide
- Labor Distribution on Sponsored Programs: Scheduling and LD Adjustments
- Labor Distribution for Work-Study