
Accounting Journals Bulk Load (Video Demonstration)

Account Certification Variance (Video Demonstration)

Account Certification Preparer (Video Demonstration)

Account Certifications Approver (Video Demonstration)

Select and Save Report Filters (Video Demonstration)

Format a Report and Other Functions Using the Report Icons (Video Demonstration)

Filter within a Report (Video Demonstration)

Intro to Workday Financials Journal (Video Demonstration)

Intro to Workday Financials FDM Reference Report (Video Demonstration)

This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) is designed to walk a Multi-Funding Source Manager (Projects) through project funding set-up in Workday.  The Multi-Funding Source Manager (Projects) role is given on a very limited basis.  If you do not have the role and think you should have the role, please talk with someone in your dean’s office or your unit’s finance office before requesting the role. 

Slides for the Projects & Multi-Funding Source Management - Refresher for MFS Manager

Guidelines for some of the most common transactions occurring in Workday, with the purpose of establishing consistent accounting methodology across UVA.  

This QRG is designed to walk users through pulling a report that will show them all payroll journal lines that hit the “suspense account” set up for their cost center.

This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) is designed to help employees navigate the UBI module, Workday NACUBO Function Analysis

This document gives summaries, examples, and max field lengths for all FDM Worktags

These slides illustrate the basics of the FDM

This reference document contains some of the most common scenarios for function use. Function classification guidelines and examples with the purpose of establishing consistent function worktag usage across UVA Schools and Academic Departments.

The UBI & Workday Reports Inventory provides an overall list of commonly used financial reports broken out by category. The table includes the name of the report, report type, description, purpose, and key outputs (does not reflect all fields in the report). Use the table of contents to control + click to find the type of report you are looking for! *Please note this inventory will continue to be expanded and updated to include new reports that become available.

Stakeholders can use this Cheat Sheet to determine which course(s) will best address their Workday Financials questions. These courses are available as self-paced training and can be searched by title in Workday Learning.