
These descriptions attempt to describe the new finance security roles based upon common work role within a unit (cost center).  

These slides cover the basics of Workday reports, dashboards and worklets in Workday, how to access reports and dashboards in Workday, and how to identify the various functionalities of reports and dashboards

This QRG is designed to walk an Internal Service Delivery Data Entry Specialist through the process of requesting the cancellation of an existing Internal Service Delivery (ISD) in Workday. This is the process to follow if you need to completely cancel the ISD transaction because the good or service was never provided. ISDs can be cancelled after they are approved by creating a request, which routes to the ISP Administrator for approval. By the end of this QRG, you will be able to successfully create a request for the cancellation of an existing ISD in Workday.

The slides for this course cover the key tasks that may be sent to you for approval as a Cost Center Manager and the details that need to be reviewed before determining if a request should be approved

This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) is designed to walk a Cost Center (CC) Manager through the approval process in Workday. By the end of this QRG, you will know how to review and approve transactions specific to a Cost Center Manager.

This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) is designed to walk an Account Certification Preparer and Approver through the steps for account certification in Workday. The purpose of the account certification process is to verify that account owners (preparers and approvers) have reviewed reconciliations for all account balances under their authority and have ensure adjustments have been made where issues have been found. By the end of this QRG, users will be able to successfully review and mark variances while you prepare or approve the ledger accounts in Workday that they want to certify.

This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) is designed to walk an Accountant through the steps to create a journal using bulk upload in Workday. This task uses a spreadsheet template that you will integrate into Workday to help if you have multiple journals to create at the same time. By the end of this QRG, you will be able to successfully create journal entries in bulk using the integration process in Workday.

These course slides cover creating a Miscellaneous Payment Request and submitting it for approval, changing or canceling the request, if needed, and understanding the reporting capabilities for viewing petty cash requests.

The slides for this course cover:  How requisition informs a purchase order and subsequently informs a supplier invoice, successfully creating a requisition including a template requisition, changing a purchase order, approving a supplier invoice, understanding reporting capabilities available for Procurement Shopper Requisition functionality

Description of all expense items.  Latest update June 21, 2024.

This crosswalk lists the most used financial reports in University Business Intelligence (UBI) Reporting and maps them to the reports that are most like them in Workday. Note that the Workday reports contain real time data.

These slides cover the following:
• The purpose of costing allocations and the high-level business
• When and how to assign various types of costing allocation:
− Worker Position
− Worker Position Earning
• The various requirements when allocating costs to grants: Salary
over the Cap (SOC), cost share, temp workers, approval routing,
and Federal Work Study
• How to maintain existing costing allocations
• How to request a costing allocation for oneself
• How to run reports related to Payroll Costing

These course slides cover the following:
• Which business processes use costing allocation and costing
override as a subtask
• How to process Inbox Tasks that are routed to you as part of the
following Human Capital Management (HCM) Tasks:
− Hire, Add Job, Change Job
− Period Activity Pay
− One-Time Payment

This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) is designed to walk Fiscal Admin roles (e.g., Cost Center Manager, Preparer & Approver for Account Certification, P2P Roles - Requisitioner & Approver and Payroll Costing Manager & Specialist) through navigating the Fiscal Admin Dashboard. The Fiscal Admin Dashboard provides a one-stop shop for users in Fiscal Administrator or Operational Support Roles to access common tasks, reports, and other resources needed to perform their daily work.

This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) is designed to walk a Procurement Shopper through the steps to create a supplier invoice request in Workday.

This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) is designed to walk employees through the process of adding, deleting, and viewing tags and comments on transactions in Workday. The tag and comment functionalities allow users who have access to certain objects (i.e. requisitions) or are involved in a transaction or business process (i.e., approvers) to communicate and collaborate with others.  The tagging functionality is available in the Activity Stream. 

This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) is designed to walk an employee through editing their “Deliver-To” location and changing their Work Space. Changing a Work Space changes the “Deliver-To” location on your profile, which will then automatically populate on transactions such as requisitions. Another way to change your “Deliver-To” location is by editing the field in the transaction before it is submitted. By the end of this QRG, users will be able to successfully change their identified Work Space and edit their “Deliver-To” location.

The attached pdf provides information on Fund Balance Ownership through the transition to Workday Financials.

This guide is intended to provide detailed transaction information on funds transfers occurring across the University of Virginia. As updates are made to the document, a new version is distributed showing an updated version date in the header.

This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) is designed to provide you with information to navigate and configure your preferences in Workday.