Do you have many account certification lines to review? This video will walk you through how to use the Details for Account Certification Report to help get the job done. Hit the link below.
This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) is designed to walk an employee with an Account Certification role through the steps to request Account Certifications reassignment for Account Certifications that were already created.
Account Certification Variance (Video Demonstration)
Account Certification Preparer (Video Demonstration)
Account Certifications Approver (Video Demonstration)
Stakeholders can use this Cheat Sheet to determine which course(s) will best address their Workday Financials questions. These courses are available as self-paced training and can be searched by title in Workday Learning.
The Decision Tree maps out corrections paths for certain tasks. See file at the bottom of the page for a graphic decision tree.
Workday tasks used to correct the FDM worktags on posted transactions
Internal Service Delivery:
Account Certification Course Slides: These slides cover the Account Certification process, preparing and approving an Account Certification, remediating variances upon identification, and the reporting capabilities available for Preparers & Approvers of Account Certification
This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) is designed to walk a Procurement Shopper, or whoever is listed as the Requester if an Employee as Self assigned a cart to a Requisitioner, through the steps to attach documentation, such as a packing slip, to a supplier invoice in Workday.
Oracle to Workday Crosswalk on the Business Terms site
This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) is designed to walk an Account Certification Preparer and Approver through the steps for account certification in Workday. The purpose of the account certification process is to verify that account owners (preparers and approvers) have reviewed reconciliations for all account balances under their authority and have ensure adjustments have been made where issues have been found. By the end of this QRG, users will be able to successfully review and mark variances while you prepare or approve the ledger accounts in Workday that they want to certify.
This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) is designed to walk Fiscal Admin roles (e.g., Cost Center Manager, Preparer & Approver for Account Certification, P2P Roles - Requisitioner & Approver and Payroll Costing Manager & Specialist) through navigating the Fiscal Admin Dashboard. The Fiscal Admin Dashboard provides a one-stop shop for users in Fiscal Administrator or Operational Support Roles to access common tasks, reports, and other resources needed to perform their daily work.
This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) is designed to walk employees through the process of adding, deleting, and viewing tags and comments on transactions in Workday. The tag and comment functionalities allow users who have access to certain objects (i.e. requisitions) or are involved in a transaction or business process (i.e., approvers) to communicate and collaborate with others. The tagging functionality is available in the Activity Stream.