Workday Corrections Decision Tree

The Decision Tree maps out corrections paths for certain tasks. See file at the bottom of the page for a graphic decision tree.


Workday tasks used to correct the FDM worktags on posted transactions


Internal Service Delivery:

  • Correction via Accounting Journal
  • If it’s an ongoing charge (e.g., monthly telephone bill), you may need to contact the ISP to make updates
  • You can find each ISP’s Internal Service Delivery Data Entry Specialists using the Internal Service Provider Information report


Ad Hoc Bank Transaction:


Customer Invoice:


Expense Report:


  • Correcting Spend Category/Expense Type
  • Splitting a line or needing to split an individual expense report line across multiple FDM strings
  • For both these instances: Correction via Accounting Journal


Supplier Invoice:


  • Splitting a line or needing to split an individual expense report line across multiple FDM strings: Correction via Accounting Journal


NOTE: Corrections to Supplier Invoices can only be processed after the invoice has been paid out. If the Supplier Invoice has not been paid out, you either have to wait until it’s been paid and use the Accounting Adjustment to complete the correction or you can complete and Accounting Journal right away.


Payroll / Fringe:


  • Transactions that originated in SIS should be corrected in SIS