To review a list of known issues we are working on please visit our Workday Finance status page. Have something additional to report? Contact
To review a list of known issues we are working on please visit our Workday Finance status page. Have something additional to report? Contact
This QRG is designed to walk Workday role(s) through steps to see Internal Loan balances and transfers. By the end of this QRG, users will be able to see outstanding Internal Loan balances and payments during the fiscal year. See also this FAQ document.
Petty Custodian Miscellaneous Payment Request (Video Resource)
This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) is designed to walk a Petty Custodian through a Miscellaneous Payment Request to request a replenishment of their petty cash account. After a petty cash account has been established and initially funded for their area by Treasury, it may become necessary to replenish the petty cash account. This is done by the Petty Custodian through a Miscellaneous Payment Request.
This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) is designed to walk a Cost Center Deposit Specialist through the process of reviewing an Ad Hoc Bank Transaction to record an Expenditure Credit, a Department Deposit, or a Merchant Account. This process begins with either a remote deposit (using a Remote Deposit Scanner and CashPro), a deposit taken to the bank (using a location code on the deposit ticket), or a deposit from a Merchant account (revenue from Credit Card or ACH payment using a MID number). .
This QRG is designed to walk Remote Deposit Scanner users through scanning checks and entering expenditure credit deposits in CashPro.
This QRG is designed to walk Remote Deposit Scanner users through scanning checks and entering revenue deposits in CashPro.