Spend Categories

Name ReferenceID Spend Category Object Spend Category Usage
CIP-Major Software Development (SC0538) (Inactive) zDNU_SC0538 Direct OTPS-Other Software in Development Procurement, Supplier Invoice
CIP-Construction in Progress (SC0559) (Inactive) zDNU_SC0559 Balance Sheet Only (4) Do not include in Sources/Uses Statement Facilities Not in Direct/Indirect Rollup Procurement, Supplier Invoice, Ad Hoc Payment
CIP-Infrastructure (SC0571) (Inactive) zDNU_SC0571 5023220 Construction Buildings Construction in Progress (4) Do not include in Sources/Uses Statement Not in Direct/Indirect Rollup
Recov Pers Svcs Aux Prgm (SC0673) (Inactive) zDNU_SC0673 5011960 IDC Recoveries from Aux-Personal Services Direct OTPS-Other Transfers-Mandatory State Reallocations
Recov Pers Svcs Spon Prgm (SC0674) (Inactive) zDNU_SC0674 5011970 IDC Recoveries from Sponsored Programs-Personal Services Direct OTPS-Other Transfers-Mandatory State Reallocations
Recov Pers Svcs Inter-Agency (SC0675) (Inactive) zDNU_SC0675 5011980 Inter-agency Recoveries for Personal Services Direct OTPS-Other Transfers-Mandatory State Reallocations
Recov Pers Svcs Intra-Agency (SC0676) (Inactive) zDNU_SC0676 5011990 Intra-agency Recoveries for Personal Services Direct OTPS-Other Transfers-Mandatory State Reallocations
Recov Cont Svcs Aux Prgm (SC0677) (Inactive) zDNU_SC0677 5012960 IDC Recoveries from Aux-Contractual Services Direct OTPS-Other Transfers-Mandatory State Reallocations
Recov Cont Svcs Spon Prgm (SC0678) (Inactive) zDNU_SC0678 5014990 Intra-Agy Recovery Transf Pay Direct OTPS-Other Transfers-Mandatory State Reallocations
Recov Cont Svcs Inter-Agency (SC0679) (Inactive) zDNU_SC0679 5012980 Late Payment Penalty-Contractual Services Direct OTPS-Other Transfers-Mandatory State Reallocations
Recov Cont Svcs Intra-Agency (SC0680) (Inactive) zDNU_SC0680 5012990 Intra-agency Recoveries for Contractual Services Direct OTPS-Other Transfers-Mandatory State Reallocations
Recov Sup & Mat Aux Prgm (SC0681) (Inactive) zDNU_SC0681 5013960 IDC Recoveries from Aux-Supplies Direct OTPS-Other Transfers-Mandatory State Reallocations
Recov Sup & Mat Spon Prgm (SC0682) (Inactive) zDNU_SC0682 5014990 Intra-Agy Recovery Transf Pay Direct OTPS-Other Transfers-Mandatory State Reallocations
Recov Sup & Mat Inter-Agency (SC0683) (Inactive) zDNU_SC0683 5013980 Inter-agency Recoveries for Supplies Direct OTPS-Other Transfers-Mandatory State Reallocations
Recov Sup & Mat Intra-Agency (SC0684) (Inactive) zDNU_SC0684 5013990 Intra-agency Recoveries for Supplies Direct OTPS-Other Transfers-Mandatory State Reallocations
Recov Transfers Aux Prgm (SC0685) (Inactive) zDNU_SC0685 5014960 IDC Recoveries from Aux-Transfer Pmts Direct OTPS-Other Transfers-Mandatory State Reallocations
Recov Transfers Spon Prgm (SC0686) (Inactive) zDNU_SC0686 5014990 Intra-Agy Recovery Transf Pay Direct OTPS-Other Transfers-Mandatory State Reallocations
Recov Transfers Inter-Agency (SC0687) (Inactive) zDNU_SC0687 5014980 Inter-agency Recoveries for Transfer Pay Direct OTPS-Other Transfers-Mandatory State Reallocations
Recov Transfers Intra-Agency (SC0688) (Inactive) zDNU_SC0688 5014990 Intra-Agy Recovery Transf Pay Direct OTPS-Other Transfers-Mandatory State Reallocations
Recov Cont Chgs Aux Prgm (SC0689) (Inactive) zDNU_SC0689 5015960 IDC Recoveries from Aux-Continuous Charges Direct OTPS-Other Transfers-Mandatory State Reallocations
Recov Cont Chgs Spon Prgm (SC0690) (Inactive) zDNU_SC0690 5014990 Intra-Agy Recovery Transf Pay Direct OTPS-Other Transfers-Mandatory State Reallocations
Recov Cont Chgs Inter-Agency (SC0691) (Inactive) zDNU_SC0691 5015980 Inter-agency Recoveries for Continuous Charges Direct OTPS-Other Transfers-Mandatory State Reallocations
Recov Cont Chgs Intra-Agency (SC0692) (Inactive) zDNU_SC0692 5015990 Intra-agency Recoveries for Continuous Charges Direct OTPS-Other Transfers-Mandatory State Reallocations
Recov Prop & Impr Aux Prgm (SC0693) (Inactive) zDNU_SC0693 5021960 IDC Recoveries from Aux-Property and Improvements Direct OTPS-Other Transfers-Mandatory State Reallocations
Recov Prop & Impr Spon Prgm (SC0694) (Inactive) zDNU_SC0694 5014990 Intra-Agy Recovery Transf Pay Direct OTPS-Other Transfers-Mandatory State Reallocations
Recov Prop & Impr Inter-Agency (SC0695) (Inactive) zDNU_SC0695 5021980 Inter-agency Recoveries Property and Improvements Direct OTPS-Other Transfers-Mandatory State Reallocations
Recov Prop & Impr Intra-Agency (SC0696) (Inactive) zDNU_SC0696 5021990 Intra-Agy Recovery Property and Improvements Direct OTPS-Other Transfers-Mandatory State Reallocations
Recov Equip Aux Prgm (SC0697) (Inactive) zDNU_SC0697 5022960 IDC Recoveries from Aux-Equipment Direct OTPS-Other Transfers-Mandatory State Reallocations
Recov Equip Spon Prgm (SC0698) (Inactive) zDNU_SC0698 5014990 Intra-Agy Recovery Transf Pay Direct OTPS-Other Transfers-Mandatory State Reallocations
Recov Equip Inter-Agency (SC0699) (Inactive) zDNU_SC0699 5022980 Inter-agency Recoveries Equipment Direct OTPS-Other Transfers-Mandatory State Reallocations
Recov Equip Intra-Agency (SC0700) (Inactive) zDNU_SC0700 5022990 Intra-Agy Recovery Equipment Direct OTPS-Other Transfers-Mandatory State Reallocations
Recov Plant & Imp Aux Prgm (SC0701) (Inactive) zDNU_SC0701 5023960 IDC Recoveries from Aux-Plant and Improvements Direct OTPS-Other Transfers-Mandatory State Reallocations
Recov Plant & Imp Spon Prgm (SC0702) (Inactive) zDNU_SC0702 5014990 Intra-Agy Recovery Transf Pay Direct OTPS-Other Transfers-Mandatory State Reallocations
Recov Plant & Imp Inter-Agency (SC0703) (Inactive) zDNU_SC0703 5023980 Inter-agency Recoveries Plant and Improvements Direct OTPS-Other Transfers-Mandatory State Reallocations
Recov Plant & Imp Intra-Agency (SC0704) (Inactive) zDNU_SC0704 5023990 Intra-Agy Recovery Plant and Improvements Direct OTPS-Other Transfers-Mandatory State Reallocations
Recoveries Offset (SC0705) (Inactive) zDNU_SC0705 5014990 Intra-Agy Recovery Transf Pay Direct OTPS-Other Transfers-Mandatory State Reallocations
ITD Grants Conversion Expenditure (SC0730) (Inactive) zDNU_SC0730 9999999 Non-Cardinal Balance Sheet Only (4) Do not include in Sources/Uses Statement Not in Direct/Indirect Rollup
Furniture Capital (SC0820) SC-0820 Procurement, Expense, Supplier Invoice, Ad Hoc Payment, Allocate Freight