Help for your Vendors

When your vendors have questions about doing business with UVA, have them contact UVAFinance directly using or 434-924-3400.  That way we can work with them directly and you don't have to be in the middle.  

Our User Success agents can answer many questions right away, or they can put your vendor in touch with an expert in procurement as needed.

When you're doing business with a new supplier and want to ensure they're registered with PaymentWorks, avoid having them duplicate their record in PaymentWorks by checking to see if they're already registered under a different email. Also, note that misspellings of supplier names and the use of personal emails rather than a more general inbox name can cause problems ( vs.,

See this helpful training information.  You can also refer your suppliers to this information about registering with UVA (here's where they can launch PaymentWorks to check their registration)