UVAFinance Zoom Backgrounds

These PowerPoint templates are provided for both UVAFinance and Finance Strategic Transformation Zoom backgrounds.

When to use these templates:

These templates were developed to provide a standard representation of the UVAFinance brand and to allow you to be easily identified in larger groups. Please use them when you think that information would be helpful.

The UVAFinance templates are an appropriate choice if your meeting is with a larger University group, interviewing job candidates, or representing UVAFinance/FST to outside groups.  Your own custom backgrounds (or no background at all) are still appropriate for smaller internal team meetings.

Finance Strategic Transformation templates are an appropriate choice for larger University meetings relating to the project. 

Note:  UVA’s instance of Zoom features built-in UVA backgrounds, which are also appropriate to use in most settings.


About the templates

Templates vary from plain backgrounds in brand colors to photographic backgrounds from the brand.virginia.edu website.  You may choose other photos from the brand website to use as you see fit.  Please do not use personal photos in combination with UVAFinance or FST branding.  Please use the guidance reflected below.


  • Slides 1-12 in the PowerPoint template feature a customizable name/title area.  Please do not change the font.
  • Note that when the background is darker, a white version of the logo and a white typeface is used.  When the background is lighter, a color version of the logo and a blue typeface is used.  Please adhere to this convention if you should change photo backgrounds.
  • See sample photo backgrounds on slides 5-8.  Of course, you are free to use these, but they are also there as illustration.  If you prefer, new photos from brand.virginia.edu may be inserted into slides 9-12.  In slides 9-12, the logos and the name/title sections are editable. Do not change their placement but do choose the correct logo/typeface colors to suit the picture you’ve imported.