
Ad Hoc Bank Transaction Expenditure Credit (Video Demonstration)

See the full process of remote deposits from scanning the check to any corrections that need to be made to the Ad Hoc Bank Transaction. 

Ad Hoc Bank Transaction Merchant Account (Video Demonstration)

Ad Hoc Bank Transaction Department Deposit (Video Demonstration)

These slides cover ad hoc bank transaction processes including for expenditure credits, department deposits, and merchant accounts. 

This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) is designed to walk a Cost Center Deposit Specialist through the process of reviewing an Ad Hoc Bank Transaction to record an Expenditure Credit, a Department Deposit, or a Merchant Account. This process begins with either a remote deposit (using a Remote Deposit Scanner and CashPro), a deposit taken to the bank (using a location code on the deposit ticket), or a deposit from a Merchant account (revenue from Credit Card or ACH payment using a MID number). .