
Procedure on booking and expensing bundle travel.
How to expense COVID tests in Workday Expenses
Financial Planning & Analysis Summary Reports for Fiscal Year 2022
A PowerPoint presentation on understanding F&A rates.

For PSDS (authenticated by Netbadge) staff to request help with requests for reports or other data.

go to Data/Reporting Request Form

For PSDS (authenticated by Netbadge) staff to request help with web changes, emails, or to set up a Zoom webinar.

go to Communications Request Form

These course slides cover creating a Miscellaneous Payment Request and submitting it for approval, changing or canceling the request, if needed, and understanding the reporting capabilities for viewing petty cash requests.

The slides for this course cover:  How requisition informs a purchase order and subsequently informs a supplier invoice, successfully creating a requisition including a template requisition, changing a purchase order, approving a supplier invoice, understanding reporting capabilities available for Procurement Shopper Requisition functionality

Description of all expense items.  Latest update June 21, 2024.

This crosswalk lists the most used financial reports in University Business Intelligence (UBI) Reporting and maps them to the reports that are most like them in Workday. Note that the Workday reports contain real time data.

These slides cover the following:
• The purpose of costing allocations and the high-level business
• When and how to assign various types of costing allocation:
− Worker Position
− Worker Position Earning
• The various requirements when allocating costs to grants: Salary
over the Cap (SOC), cost share, temp workers, approval routing,
and Federal Work Study
• How to maintain existing costing allocations
• How to request a costing allocation for oneself
• How to run reports related to Payroll Costing

These course slides cover the following:
• Which business processes use costing allocation and costing
override as a subtask
• How to process Inbox Tasks that are routed to you as part of the
following Human Capital Management (HCM) Tasks:
− Hire, Add Job, Change Job
− Period Activity Pay
− One-Time Payment

See Policy FIN-001: Determining if an Award is a Gift or Sponsored Project

A Gift is defined as: an irrevocable transfer of assets (cash, stock, gifts, etc.) to the done such that the donor can exercise no further control over it and does not have expectation of any contractual requirements or potential benefits. To be tax deductible it must be donated to an organization recognized as charitable by the IRS (a 501(c) (3) corp).

University Foundations can use UVA Fund’s services to collect and process gifts and donations as the funds do not belong to the University, they are deposited into Foundation bank accounts. If the monies the event is collecting are University funds, deposited into University revenue projects, then UVA Fund cannot function as a processor for your event (see Policy FIN-016: Receiving and Depositing Cash and Other Monetary Instruments) as the funds are required to be deposited directly into University Bank Accounts.

The Payment Card Industry has addressed access to cardholder data through the Standards and identify what screening that potential employees must pass in order to gain access to cardholder data including reports. This standard is required for EMPLOYEES and recommended even if the employee is a cashier and exposed to one card at a time.

12.7 Screen potential personnel prior to hire to minimize the risk of attacks from internal sources. (Examples of background checks include previous employment history, criminal record, credit history, and reference checks.)

At Elavon, the credit is processed and submitted to the bank along with the settlement.
Per Visa and MasterCard Regulations, the Bank has up to 30 days to apply a credit/refund to their cardholder’s account. This is not something that we can control.

Credit card purchases, unlike purchases made with cash or a check come with the right by the Cardholder to question any amount billed to their account. These rights of dispute are provided under the Fair Credit Billing Act. What this means for a merchant is that charges that you took in good faith may end up being reversed for a number of reasons.

State guidelines require that supporting documentation is maintained for three years plus the current year (see University Records Management). The complete cardholder account number and security code need to be eliminated from any document as soon as there is no business need for the information (within 90 Days [PCI]). You may retain a maximum of the first six and the last four digits of the account number with the documentation for the record retention period, but never the Security code (CVV2).

An introductory guide to access and reporting for all University Payment Card Systems.