In the last blog digest, we shared the Reporting & Analytics Release Notes for March 9. If you didn't get to take a look, here are a few highlights you might've missed:
- The Quick tip of the month: Saved Filters (Workday) and Bookmarks (UBI) – remember that if you regularly the same report with the same filter(s) for CC, Grants, or other worktags, you can save your filters using the Saved Filters option in Workday or using Bookmarks in UBI. Bookmarks in UBI can be shared, Saved Filters in Workday cannot. As a best practice, you should leave the Period prompt empty when you save since you will likely need to update that from month to month anyway. Directions on how to use Saved Filters and Bookmarks can be found in the Reporting Training Resources. (just go to Workday Finance Training and scroll to Workday Reporting)
- A chart of the Top Ten Reports your finance colleagues are using (check it out in the notes)
- A reminder about the New Simple "BBA" Report for Expense Budget vs. Actuals
- AND MORE! Check out the release notes if you haven't already! Remember that past release notes are also archived just under the latest version, so you can always check out anything you missed.