What is a Commitment vs. an Obligation?

In Workday there are 3 ledgers – Commitments, Obligations, and Actuals.   

Commitments - Accounting related to funds for future known or expected spending (pre-encumbered).  The commitments ledger is utilized to track journal entries for requisitions and payroll for unfilled positions.  


Obligations – Accounting related to funds that represent obligations to pay (encumbered).  The obligations ledger is utilized for purchase orders and payroll for filled positions.  


Actuals – Accounting related to funds that have already been spent (or are scheduled to be paid).  


Here is a breakdown of transactions and which ledger you can find them in:  

WD Task Commitments Obligations Actuals
Payroll/Fringe Benefits   Unfilled Position Filled Position (Costing Allocation) Paid Payroll
Requisition/PO Submitted Requisition Purchase Order Supplier Invoice
Expense Report    

Expense Report (fully approved)

Supplier Invoice Request    

Supplier Invoice 

If the box is blank in the table above, that task will not create accounting in those ledgers. 


See other FAQs related to Obligations: