ARMICS is an initiative of the Department of Accounts (DOA) for all state agencies within the Commonwealth of Virginia. The primary purpose of ARMICS is to ensure fiscal accountability and safeguard the Commonwealth's assets.
The goal is to provide reasonable assurance of the integrity of all fiscal processes related to:
Board of Visitors Policies*
- Debt Policy (pdf)
- Interest Rate Risk Management Policy (pdf)
- Working Capital Investment Policy
- Liquidity Management Policy
The Office of the Treasurer is the steward of the University’s financial resources, practicing sound financial management in support of academic, scientific and faculty excellence. Reporting directly to the Vice President for Finance, the Treasurer’s office ensures the sustainability of the University’s mission and goals by:
Treasury Management manages the short-term investment of the University's working capital and oversees its long-term investments with the University of Virginia Investment Management Company (UVIMCO). The short-term investments are managed to provide the University with sufficient liquidity and safety for operating cash. Long-term investments are invested according to the guidelines in UVIMCO's Investment Policy statement.
Treasury also provides oversight of investments held outside UVIMCO, such as trusts and security-specific investments.