
Procedure for selecting a moving company for employee relocation



Skilled Services vs. Preceptor Services

There is now an expenditure type “Svcs, Skilled Other Preceptor” which should only be used for medical preceptors.  However, it is easy to accidentally choose this expenditure type when intending to choose “Svcs, Skilled, Other”.  Please be careful to choose the correct one.


eVA is the Commonwealth of Virginia's electronic vendor registration and purchasing system that provides a standardized, transparent source of public procurement information. The University does not purchase goods and services directly through eVA, but is required to send purchase data to eVA. All transactions, including the University's, incur fees to support the maintenance of the system.

Note: The following applies only to vendors providing goods and services to UVA. It does not apply to individuals registering as payees with UVA in order to be paid a reimbursement.

Supplier Training

Procurement and Supplier Diversity Services (PSDS) provides bi-monthly vendor (supplier) training sessions in order to help suppliers understand the purchasing and accounts payable processes at the University. 

This Supplier Training aims to give both seasoned suppliers and suppliers new to the University a better understanding of who buys for UVA, how they buy it, and how they pay for it. 

There is no fee to attend, but advance registration is required. A session is being planned for Spring 2024!