
Added September 20, 2023.  

Workday reports that have a summarized Obligations column often have a lot of “noise”.  Workday shows all journals (full transparency) related to the account.  For obligations, that includes the journal that moves it into the obligation ledger as well as any journal that liquates that obligation (or zeros out that obligation) when it moves from an obligation to an actual in the actuals ledger. 

Here is an example of what that can look like:

In Workday there are 3 ledgers – Commitments, Obligations, and Actuals.   

Commitments - Accounting related to funds for future known or expected spending (pre-encumbered).  The commitments ledger is utilized to track journal entries for requisitions and payroll for unfilled positions.  


Obligations – Accounting related to funds that represent obligations to pay (encumbered).  The obligations ledger is utilized for purchase orders and payroll for filled positions.  


This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) is designed to walk a Multi-Funding Source Manager (Projects) through the process of reprocessing project related transactions.

Training on using the UBI Portal

Do you have many account certification lines to review?  This video will walk you through how to use the Details for Account Certification Report to help get the job done.   Hit the link below.

When the Account Certifications are created, it is associated to a position ID. 


If your position changed and:

  • You had previous Account Certifications that still needed to be completed.


  • In your new position, you are still responsible for completing the Account Certification.


The approver for some transactions (i.e., Account Certifications, Accounting Journals, etc.) with a Gift worktag will depend on whether the Gift is in the Allocated Gifts hierarchy. 

  • Gift in the Allocated Gifts hierarchy, the approver will be the Cost Center Manager.

  • Gift NOT in the Allocated Gifts hierarchy, the approver will be the Unit Gift Manager. 


All about Activity Stream, added functionality in Workday

The view of the Account Certification Awaiting Me and the Account Certification Awaiting Me – Detailed reports are limited to 100 Account Certifications on the Account Certification Actions dashboard.    However if you follow these steps, you can get your full list of the Account Certification that are awaiting you.

On the Account Certification Actions Dashboard

1. Scroll to the bottom of the Account Certification Awaiting Me or the Account Certification Awaiting me- Details report.

Year-End Closing Dates in a downloadable PDF format. For the most recent deadlines, always choose the web format.  (Updated 4/2/2024)

Web Format

This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) is designed to walk a Multi-Funding Source Manager (Projects) through project funding set-up in Workday.  The Multi-Funding Source Manager (Projects) role is given on a very limited basis.  If you do not have the role and think you should have the role, please talk with someone in your dean’s office or your unit’s finance office before requesting the role. 

Slides for the Projects & Multi-Funding Source Management - Refresher for MFS Manager

Guidelines for some of the most common transactions occurring in Workday, with the purpose of establishing consistent accounting methodology across UVA.  

This QRG is designed to walk users through pulling a report that will show them all payroll journal lines that hit the “suspense account” set up for their cost center.

As the Preparer for Account Certification, you can work on the Account Certification until you press Submit and send it forward to the Approver.  If for some reason you find that an Account Certification is no longer available to you, but you still need to work on it, the only option is to have the Approver send it back to you.  Unfortunately, the Central Finance Account Certification team cannot step in and send the Account Certification back to you.  You will need to contact the Approver, and ask them to open the Account Certification and select the Send Back button. 


This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) is designed to help employees navigate the UBI module, Workday NACUBO Function Analysis

This document describes the gift worktag.