
This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) is designed to walk an Internal Service Delivery Data Entry Specialist through the process of creating an Internal Service Delivery (ISD) in bulk. This task uses a spreadsheet template that you will integrate into Workday to help if you have multiple internal service deliveries to create at the same time. To load the transaction file, users will need to connect to the Workday SFTP server. By the end of this QRG, you will be able to successfully create ISDs in bulk using the integration process in Workday.

First, you will want to check the roles.  You can find a list of the roles that will become the Preparer and Approver here.  You can look up who has those roles using the UBI app Workday Security Roles.  Remember, that anyone with the Cost Center Fiscal Specialist Role, will get access to Prepare all the Designated and Allocated gifts assigned to that Cost Center. You may want to check in with those in your school/unit that were responsible for the role mapping before moving on to the next step.

The tools have changed, but job of the Preparer and Approver has not changed with the implementation of Workday Account Certification.


The person responsible for the detailed reconciliation, including maintenance of source documents to verify all transactions are legitimate.

If you don’t agree with a charge (if you think the charge is not correct on the account you are reconciling), you mark it as a variance.  You remove the amount of the charge you disagree with from the total of that Ledger Account to Certify amount.  For example, if you have a ledger account that has a total of $500, but you disagree with a $200 PO that was charged to this account (it should have been charged to another account), you would put $300 in the Amount to Certify and a Variance of $200 will show. 

This was a Designated worktag created as a Suspense account of sorts. 

The team is using this to set up CC in Adaptive (penny in, penny out).  In this case, you shouldn’t see any total amount in this Account Certification because the money was moved back out.

If they Account Certification is for a Designated DN99999 and you see a 0.00 in the total column, that is probably due to either Adaptive budget seeding  (penny in, penny out – to set up the CC in Adaptive) or something that hit “Suspense” with the new FDM mapping and was moved in July. 

If this cases, you can review to make sure that is what it is, and you can approve. 

You can find all Account Certifications by running the Status of Account Certification Report.   Enter the worktags for the Account Certification(s) you are looking for.   This report will tell you the status of the Account Certification as well as who all Prepared/Approved at that time.

If you select View More at the bottom of the Account Certifications Awaiting Me table or the Account Certifications Awaiting Me - Detailed table (found on the Account Certification Actions landing page), it will open the table up fully.  At the top of that report, you will see the number of items in the table which is the number of accounts you have left to reconcile.

Workday Reporting provides real time, drillable data where you can have everything in one place. There are various types of reports that you can in order to find the information that you need. As you navigate through reports, check out the following resources and information to help set you up for success!

This pdf contains guidance documentation for internal controls assessment.

This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) is designed to walk a Payroll Accounting Adjustment Specialist through the steps to find and edit a Historical Payroll Accounting Adjustment in Workday. By the end of this QRG, users will be able to successfully find and make edits to an existing historical PAA that you saved for later.

This document provides you with some Quick Tips to make your use of Adaptive more streamlined and efficient.

Account Certification Course Slides: These slides cover the Account Certification process, preparing and approving an Account Certification, remediating variances upon identification, and the reporting capabilities available for Preparers & Approvers of Account Certification

Please see the attached UVA personnel Conflict Interest form for policy guidelines and example.   This is an annual process completed through DocuSign by the Director of UVA PSDS.  The form contains the policy thresh hold interest or income amounts if you or a family member conducts business with a company the University of Virginia utilizes as a Vendor/Supplier. 

This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) is designed to walk employees through requesting security roles in Workday. Individuals or their managers can request various security roles in Workday by using a Workday dashboard app. Once a request is submitted, it will move through a business process for approval. Multiple role requests for an individual can be entered simultaneously.

We had to embed an approval step as part of the Preparer workflow so that we could ensure separation of duties should someone inadvertently be identified as both the Preparer and the Approver.  In Workday world, a “Review” step (which is what allows for the Preparer to note variances, etc.) is not considered a formal approval so we had to insert that automated step to ensure systematic controls.  You do not have to take action.  The Account Certification is now sitting with the Approver.  The visual below helps clarify this.

This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) is designed to walk employees through finding the original requester on a converted purchase order.

Use the attached spreadsheet for worktag functions and descriptions.

This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) is designed to walk Procurement Shoppers through how to print a Purchase Order (PO) in UVA Marketplace. In UVA Marketplace, you can print a clean, fax version of the Purchase Order. 

Yes - When multiple people are assigned to a Role on any worktag (e.g., Grant, Cost Center, Gift, Project, etc.) that is affiliated with Account Certification, they all are assigned the corresponding Preparer/Approver role for the worktag.   Any person assigned the Account Certification can take action (submit).  Once action is taken, the Account Certification will be removed from all Preparers/Approvers Account Certifications Awaiting Me table.