Goods & Services Guide

Any property, equipment, or device, whether tangible or intangible, purchased through or with University funds is considered University Property.

Reimbursement of goods/services purchased using a gift card, airline miles, credit card points, etc. is not permitted.

Page Last Updated: 8/28/2024
Title Preferred Procurement Method Description eVA Exempt? T&E Card PO Supplier Invoice Request (SIR) Reimbursement PO Spend Category Recommend Supplier Expense Items
Academic Accreditation Fees SIR

Accreditation fees. Not to be confused with Membership Fees (SC0165) or Professional Licenses Fees (SC0166)

Yes Yes No Yes Yes Academic Accreditation Fees (SC0202)
Advertisements T&E

Cost of placing an ad in specific media only (such as newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, websites). Does not include other advertising costs. Compare with Promotional Services.

Yes Yes No Yes Yes Services Advertising and Media (SC0181) Advertising Services
Air and Rail Tickets T&E

Preferred method for booking is TravelUVA. For reimbursement: See FIN-004- Travel Meals and Entertainment Policy.

Yes Yes No Yes Yes Travel Student (SC0746), Travel Non-employee (SC0745)

TravelUVA -

Airfare | Domestic; Airfare | Domestic, Travel, Employee Training; Airfare | International; Airfare | International, Travel, Employee Training; Athletic Team Airfare | Domestic; Athletic Team Airfare | International, Rail | Domestic; Rail | Domestic, Travel, Employee Training; Rail | International; Rail | International, Travel, Employee Training
Air Charter Service T&E

Internal Service Provider Available - Parking and Transportation. Contact Risk Management for additional requirements when selecting vendor. T&E Card use is approved if vendor will accept the card as payment: but charter contracts must be approved by Risk MGMT and PSDS. For flight services through government entities such as Virginia Department of Aviation: use a PO. See PRM-001: Use of University Airplane or Private Air Transportation Service.

Yes Yes Yes No No Services Air Charter (SC0739)

UVA Parking & Transportation

Alcoholic Beverages T&E

Alcohol served on UVA grounds or at a University function involving students requires additional approval. Submit the Request for Use of Alcoholic Beverages [] form. Alcohol must be paid for using local funds. T&E cards may be used to purchase alcohol from grocery stores and ABC stores. Policy: STU-001: Use of Alcoholic Beverages and Prohibition of Other Drugs ( For alcohol purchased with food, please refer to the Meals and Catering categories.  



No Yes Yes No Yes Supplies Alcoholic Beverages (SC0407)

Grocery and ABC Stores

Ammunition PO

Policy requires a written waiver from the Chief of Police or designee before purchasing.

No No Yes No No Supplies Law Enforcement (SC0291)
Art PO

Includes, but is not limited to, original works of art such as paintings, drawings, limited edition prints or photographs, ceramics, sculptures, calligraphy, antiques, etc. FOR USE IN PUBLIC SPACES ONLY - never for individual faculty, staff, or student spaces. See also Decor Items.

No No Yes No No Office Appurtenances (SC0352)
Audio-Visual Equipment PO

Purchase: rental: or service of audio-visual equipment. Audio-visual equipment should be Energy Star-certified to reduce operating costs and conserve energy.

No Yes Yes No Yes Electronic Equipment: Non-Capital (Less than $5000)
Automatic Electronic Defibrillator (AED) PO

Before purchasing, discuss with Emergency Preparedness for proper placement of the unit, correct unit specification, and inclusion on UVa maps. email the department, 

No No Yes No No Equip NonCapital Medical & Dental (SC0346) AED Brands (SPL-25767)
Automobile Purchase PO

For the purchase of an automobile or similar equipment that will need a license plate. 

See: Vehicle Purchase Process.

Contact UVA FM Fleet for additional support.

No No Yes No No Equip Capital Motor Vehicles (SC0498) Malloy Charlottesville, MTE (Colonial Auto Center), State Contract List:
Automobile Rental T&E

See the Vehicle Rental page for additional information. Review policy PRM-014: Use and Management of University Vehicles for 12 & 15 passenger van rentals

Yes Yes No Yes Yes Travel Student (SC0746), Travel Non-employee (SC0745) |

Car Rental | Domestic; Car Rental | Domestic, Travel, Employee Training; Car Rental | International; Car Rental | International, Travel, Employee Training
Awards T&E
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Employee Award Taxable
Bottled Water (Individual Servings) T&E

All bottled water purchases shall be made in accordance with the University’s Single-use Plastics Requirements []. Single-use plastic water bottles (up to and including 34 ounces) should not be purchased with UVA funds. Important note for spend categories: If bottled water is served as part of a business or social event meal: it is exempt from eVA fees. Use the expenditure type "Meals: Business". If bottled water is purchased from a grocery store: use "Supplies: Food & Drink" If water service is being purchased (machine rental: jugs: etc): use "Svcs: Bottled Water." If water is being delivered through a pipe as part of a utility: use "CIP-Svc Chg: Chilled Water" or "Svc Charge: Chilled Water." This is generally for use by John Gerding from Facilities Management only. See Also: Water Service

No Yes Yes No Yes

The Supply Room Companies

Bus Charter Service T&E
Charter bus services: not including car/limo service: taxi: rideshare. Internal Source Available with Parking and Transportation Charter Bus Services []. Contact Risk Management for additional requirements when not purchasing on contract. Please contact a PSDS Buyer if a contract is required.
Yes Yes Yes No Yes |

Other Ground Transportation | Domestic; Other Ground Transportation | Domestic, Travel, Employee Training; Other Ground Transportation | International; Other Ground Transportation | International, Travel, Employee Training
Cadavers PO

Purchases of cadavers are exempt from competition per the Guidelines for Competition Special Case Exemptions #13.

No No Yes No No Supplies Lab Other (SC0270) Science Care Holders, Medcure
Capital Equipment PO

Capital equipment includes items such as complex and high cost laboratory, research, and industrial products. Examples include but are not limited to: microscopes, centrifuges, spectrometers, telescopes, projectors, turbines, motors, etc. Reporting requirements mandate that capital equipment be purchased on a PO to be tagged as a business asset, which in turn allows the University to track the whereabouts of the equipment and assess the depreciation of the equipment's value over time. Any one item with a total per unit value of $5,000 or greater is considered capital equipment. Capital equipment should be purchased on a PO to ensure the University's terms & conditions are accepted: which allows us to better manage returns/defects and supplier performance issues. Refer to policy FIN-034: Accounting Requirements for Equipment Assets. If you’re considering purchasing capital equipment for your laboratory, avoid buying duplicative equipment by utilizing UVA Core Facilities or sharing with neighbors. When possible, equipment should be Energy Star-certified and/or Water Sense-certified to reduce operating costs and conserve resources.

No No Yes No No
Carpet PO
Handled by Facilities Management. Start the process by entering a service request at this link:
No No Yes No No
Catering (local) PO, T&E

Catering is the activity of providing food and drink for a group of people typically with services such as setup, staffing, and cleanup included. All food served must be from a limited pre-defined menu developed with forethought by the hosting department and must be ordered in advance. All catering orders shall be made in accordance with the University’s Single-use Plastics Requirements []. UVA funds should not be used to purchase, distribute, or sell: single-use plastic and polystyrene food service containers (plates, cups, bowls, and hinged containers), and single-use disposable plastic straws and cutlery (straws, forks, spoons, knives, and stirrers). Event planners are encouraged to request reusable and/or compostable materials when placing catering orders.

No Yes Yes No No

America to Go

Catering | Domestic; Catering | Domestic, Travel, Employee Training; Catering | International; Catering | International, Travel, Employee Training
Catering outside of the area T&E

Catering is the activity of providing food and drink for a group of people, typically with services such as setup, staffing, and cleanup included. All food served must be from a limited pre-defined menu developed with forethought by the hosting department and must be ordered in advance. Any included alcohol must be paid for using local funds.

No Yes Yes No No Catering | Domestic; Catering | Domestic, Travel, Employee Training; Catering | International; Catering | International, Travel, Employee Training
Cleaning Supplies PO
General building supplies are ordered and stock by Facilities Management for janitorial service of the area.
No Yes Yes No Yes

Daycon | The Supply Room

Custodial & Maintenance Supplies
Computer Hardware & Peripherals PO, T&E

Includes the purchase of endpoint computer hardware (laptops, desktops, tablets, etc.), components (graphics cards, replacement CPUs, etc.), and peripherals (mouse, keyboard, webcam, etc.).  All computer equipment should be Energy Star- certified to reduce operating costs and conserve energy.

No Yes Yes No Yes Supplies Computer Operating (SC0287)

Internal: Cavalier Computers | Apple | Dell | GovConnect

Hardware Material; Mobile Computing Equipment: Non-Capital (less than $5000); Other Computing Equipment: Non-Capital (less than $5000/unit); Desktop Computing Equipment: Non-Capital (Less than $5000)
Computer Hardware Maintenance PO, T&E

Includes the purchase of maintenance and repair for computing hardware. Internal service providers, such as the My IT Help Desk and Cavalier Computers, do not have requirements for competition.

No Yes Yes No Yes Services Computer Hardware Maintenance (SC0227)

Internal: My IT Help Desk, Cavalier Computers | Apple | Dell | GovConnect

Repair & Maintenance Services; Hardware Material
Computer Software & Applications (Installed) PO

Software purchases for device-based software and applications: to include operating system software. *NOTE: For web-based software licenses and subscriptions: use the expense item Software Licenses & Subscriptions (SaaS & Cloud).  *NOTE: Dedoose is not eligible for reimbursement. See University of Virginia Library policy here

No Yes Yes No Yes Equip NonCapital Computer Software (SC0231)…

Installed Software & Applications
Conference & Meeting Space T&E

Costs associated with hosting a conference, such as meeting space, banquet rooms, and AV equipment. If a contract is required, reimbursement is not allowed, and the contract must be signed by PSDS. See Conference Package and/or Catering (local) and Catering outside of the area if catering is included. For outings and gatherings for entertainment/team-building, please see Entertainment.


Yes Yes No No Yes Conference/Meeting Services
Conference Packages T&E

Meeting space, banquet rooms, lodging, and associated services such as catered meals and audio-visual equipment, etc., are provided by a conference site as part of a package for a UVA-sponsored conference. If a contract is required, it must be signed by PSDS. NOT for individual travel or conference attendance.

Yes Yes No No No

Conference/Meeting Services
Construction PO

Handled by Facilities Management. Start the process by entering a service request

No No Yes No No
Consulting PO
If contract is required it must be signed by PSDS. Attach contract to a buyer assist form in the UVA Marketplace to obtain signature. - needs new procedure added
No Yes Yes No No Skilled Services | Domestic; Skilled Services | International
Contributions and Donations T&E

For contributions and donations made by the University. Only local funds may be used. Political or religious groups are not eligible. See Also: Memorial Contributions

Yes Yes No Yes Yes Grant Nongovernmental Org (SC0123) Contributions & Donations
Copier PO

For copier machine purchase or rental. Copiers: printers and multifunction devices should be Energy Star- certified to reduce operating costs and conserve energy.

No No Yes No No
Copying Services T&E

Internal Service Provider: UVA Printing & Copying Services

No Yes Yes No Yes Services Copying (SC0162) Copying Services
Decor Items PO

For use in public spaces only - never for individual faculty, staff, or student spaces. Includes lamps, flowers, plants, posters, fine art reproductions, framing, etc. For similar items purchased as gifts, see Gifts. Note that lamps should be LED type and not contain any mercury. More information about efficient lighting products and practices can be found in UVA’s Green Building Standards section or by contacting the UVA Office for Sustainability.

No Yes Yes No Yes Household Equipment: Non-Capital (Less than $5000)
Dry Ice PO, T&E

Dry ice is regulated by the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) and/or international agencies (IATA: ICAO). Requirements vary depending upon the material: the mode of transportation: the commercial carrier: and the destination. Please refer to the UVA EHS website for additional information.

No Yes Yes No Yes Supplies Packaging & Shipping (SC0408)

Linde | Local suppliers

Other Lab Supplies; Food/Drink/Supplies
Electrical Parts PO
Facilities Management handles building electrical repairs
No Yes Yes No Yes

Mayer Electric | RE Replacement Parts: Capital Electric

Electrical R & M Services
Entertainers PO, T&E

Speakers: lecturers: musicians: and performers. See the Employee/Independent Contractor Classification Checklist form.

Yes Yes Yes No No Skilled Services | Domestic; Skilled Services | International

Team outings, holiday parties, rides, games, and other amusements. Do NOT use spend category Svcs: Entertainers.

No Yes Yes Yes Yes Entertainment Expense (SC0125) Entertainment Expense
Equipment Maintenance & Testing PO
Includes services to maintain: repair: test: or otherwise service existing equipment. These services may be provided by the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM): or a contracted Equipment Maintenance Management Program (EMMP) provider.
No Yes Yes No Yes


Repair & Maintenance Services; Hardware Material
Express Mail Services T&E
No Yes Yes No Yes Express Mail Services
Facilitators and Workshop Leaders PO
See Training
No Yes Yes No No Skilled Services | Domestic; Skilled Services | International
Firearms PO
No No Yes No No
Floral Arrangements T&E

Purchase of floral arrangements for an expression of sympathy and support upon death or hospitalization of an employee, student, major donor, or their immediate family. -Purchase may be made using local funds only. -For purchases of floral arrangements for University spaces, please see Decor Items. -If flowers are for an employee and are not for sympathy, they are taxable if the value exceeds $100 and should be expensed under the Expense Item, Employee Award Taxable. Delivery fees are not taxable. Please split the transaction so the recipient is not taxed for delivery fees.

No Yes Yes No Yes Employee Award Non-Taxable, Gifts Non-Employee; Employee Award Taxable; Employee Award Non-Taxable
Food T&E

The purchase of food and non-alcoholic beverages from local shops or grocery stores (when not in travel status). Compare with the various Meals categories. See also: Alcoholic Beverages. See Food Purchases at UVA.

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Travel Student (SC0746), Travel Non-employee (SC0745) Food/Drink/Supplies
Furniture PO

Includes rugs, chairs, desks, kitchen equipment for breakrooms, etc. Does not include lamps, carpet, or other decor items (see Decor Items). Please see this FAQ [] for more information. The UVA ReUse store supports the collection: sale: and reuse of surplus UVA property: including office furniture. The program supports the University's sustainability efforts by extending the life cycle of items that may have otherwise been directed to a landfill. Furniture should be constructed from low-emitting materials to promote occupant health and indoor air quality. More information can be found in UVA’s Green Building Standards [] section or by contacting the UVA Office for Sustainability [].A43

Capital Furniture must be purchased on a PO. Freight and Installation costs are allowed and should be coded as Furniture Capital (SC0820).

Grants: Furniture Capital (SC0820) and Furniture NonCapital (SC0353) will be excluded. If there is specialty lab furniture that is allowed on a grant, users would continue to use Equip Capital Lab (SC0494) as in the past, such as for buying a Biosafety Cabinet.

No Yes Yes No Yes Furniture Capital (SC0820), Furniture NonCapital (SC0353)

MOI | Creative Office | JMJ

Household Equipment: Non-Capital (Less than $5000)
Gases PO
Bulk: cylinder: and refrigerant: including cylinder propane. T&E Card may only be used for purchases from Roberts Oxygen.
No Yes Yes No Yes


Lab Equipment: Non-Capital (Less than $5000); Natural Gas; Lab Chemicals; Other Lab Supplies
Gasoline and Oil T&E
For the purchase of diesel fuel: gasoline: tank propane: or similar fuel consumed in the engines and motors of aircraft: motor vehicles: power equipment: and watercraft. Purchase Orders may only be used for state or University-owned vehicles or equipment.
Yes Yes Yes No Yes

Greenbrier (Tiger Fuel)

Non-Travel Fuel; Vehicle Fuel | Domestic; Vehicle Fuel | Domestic, Travel, Employee Training; Vehicle Fuel | International; Vehicle Fuel | International, Travel, Employee Training
Gift Cards or Certificates PO, T&E

Non-Employees: It is recommended to purchase gift cards via the Blackhawk Network punchout catalog in the UVA Marketplace. Resources can be found here

Employees: Employee gift cards must be purchased with a T&E Card and reconciled in the Expense module. They can be purchased from local or online vendors.

All gift cards are taxable at any amount. If gift cards will be distributed to students for non-IRB-approved research purposes, please seek approval from Student Financial Services prior to purchase/distribution.

See Purchasing and Expensing Gift Cards.

No Yes Yes No No Gifts Non Cash Non-Employee (SC0118), Services Human Subject Payments (SC0210) Blackhawk Network Gift Card Non-Employee, Employee Award Taxable, Human Subject Payment
Gifts T&E

Gifts to individuals NOT eligible for UHR's Employee Rewards & Recognition program. -May only be purchased using local funds. Dean/VP approval is required if over $600. -Gifts of any amount to students also require prior approval from the Office of Student Financial Services -Gifts to faculty exceeding $100 in a calendar year or gift cards and certificates, regardless of the amount, must be reported to Human Resources as taxable income. The procedures and limits for retirement gifts to University academic employees are at the discretion of each Major Budget Unit (MBU) or Vice President. Check with your area finance contact for your unit’s limits and procedures. See also Gift Cards.

No Yes Yes Yes Yes Gifts Non Cash Non-Employee (SC0118) Gifts Non-Employee; Employee Award Taxable; Employee Award Non-Taxable
Government Entity
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Services US Postal (SC0156)
Graphic Art & Design Services PO
No Yes Yes No No
Hardware Supplies PO

Minor items such as nails: fasteners: caulk:etc

No Yes Yes No Yes Supplies Hardware Material (SC0278)

RE Replacement Parts | Fastenal | MSC Industrial | McMaster-Carr

Hardware Material
Health Insurance Reimbursement
No No No No Yes
Honoraria SIR

To be paid to individuals only; UVA employees are not eligible. -Dean/VP approval is required if greater than $2:000. -Use Approval for Honoraria form. -Compare with Gifts Related Policies: -FIN-002: Payment for Academic Services. -FIN-014: Honorarium Payments to Non-Employees Including Short-term: Non-Immigrant Alien Visitors. -HRM-025: Professional Service and External Consulting for University Staff Employees

Yes No No Yes No Honoraria Conference Speaker (SC0563), Honoraria Other (SC0119)
Human Subject Payments SIR
Yes Yes No Yes No Services Human Subject Payments (SC0210) Human Subject Payment
Interior Design Services PO
An internal service provider exists for this category. Please contact John Gerding Management for more information. Exempt from competition under $200k
No No Yes No No
Internet Service Provider T&E

Internet Service Providers (ISPs) provides services for accessing and using the internet. Regional ISPs servicing the Charlottesville area include but are not limited to Comcast (broadband cable internet): Ting (fiber internet): and wireless carriers.

No Yes No Yes No Services Utility Connection Fees (SC0222) Telecom/Cell/Internet
Laboratory Supplies PO

Laboratory supplies are tools: instruments: and supplies used in scientific research and experiments across Grounds. Specific products may include glassware: chemicals: reagents: pipettes: centrifuges: and microscopes. This category does not include Capital Equipment. Refer to UVA’s Guide to Stocking a Sustainable Lab to learn about the ACT Label and other tools to support purchasers.

No Yes Yes No Yes Supplies Lab Animals (SC0266), Supplies Lab Chemicals (SC0267), Supplies Lab Other (SC0270)…

Lab Equipment: Non-Capital (Less than $5000); Lab Chemicals; Other Lab Supplies
Lamps PO
See Décor Items
No Yes Yes No Yes Household Equipment: Non-Capital (Less than $5000)
Laundry and Dry Cleaning T&E
No Yes Yes No Yes Laundry & Linen Supplies;Laundry/Linen Services; Other Hotel Itemization | Domestic; Other Hotel Itemization | Domestic, Travel, Employee Training; Other Hotel Itemization | International; Other Hotel Itemization | International, Travel, Employee Training
Legal Fees SIR

Approval from the University General Counsel's Office is required in all cases.

No No Yes Yes No Services Attorney (SC0173), Services Legal Other (SC0180)
Limousine Rental T&E

Chauffeured transportation services. Please see "Taxi/Rideshare/Car Services" on the Travel Contracts page.

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Travel Non-employee (SC0745), Travel Student (SC0746)

Taxi/Shuttle/Limo | Domestic; Taxi/Shuttle/Limo | Domestic, Travel, Employee Training; Taxi/Shuttle/Limo | International; Taxi/Shuttle/Limo | International, Travel, Employee Training
Locks/Keys PO
New keys or replacement locks must be ordered through Facilities Management at this link: UVA Key and Lock Policy: SEC-038: Management of the University Keyed System (Key and Lock Policy)…
No No Yes No No

UVa-FM lockshop

Lodging - Group T&E

For hotel lodging TravelUVA is the recommended Supplier For local hotel lodging within Charlottesville: see our Travel Contracts page. 

Yes Yes No Yes No Travel Non-employee (SC0745), Travel Student (SC0746) TravelUVA | Travel Contracts Hotel Accommodations | Domestic; Hotel Accommodations | Domestic, Travel, Employee Training; Hotel Accommodations | International; Hotel Accommodations | International, Travel, Employee Training
Lodging - Individual T&E

For hotel lodging TravelUVA is the recommended Supplier For local hotel lodging within Charlottesville: see our Travel Contracts page. Alternative lodging, such as Airbnb, VRBO, etc. cannot be paid for with a T&E card and should be paid personally and then reimbursed.

Yes Yes No Yes Yes Travel Non-employee (SC0745), Travel Student (SC0746) TravelUVA | Travel Contracts Hotel Accommodations | Domestic; Hotel Accommodations | Domestic, Travel, Employee Training; Hotel Accommodations | International; Hotel Accommodations | International, Travel, Employee Training
Mailing Services PO
An internal service provider exists for this category. Please contact University Mail Services for more information.
No No Yes No No
Meals: Business T&E

See Food Purchases at UVA for information on types of meals. Departments must maintain documentation that justifies the meal's business purpose. This category is eVA-exempt only when documented as a Business Meal in Workday Expenses. Any included alcohol must be paid for using local funds. See FIN-004 Travel, Meals, and Entertainment Expenses Incurred on Behalf of the University for policies and procedures. Please note: companion meals with no bona fide business purpose are taxable to the cardholder/person paying for the expense.

Yes Yes No Yes Yes Travel Non-employee (SC0745), Travel Student (SC0746) Business Non-Travel Meals; Business Travel Meals | Domestic; Business Travel Meals | Domestic, Travel, Employee Training; Business Travel Meals | International; Business Travel Meals | International, Travel, Employee Training
Meals: Student Athletic Group T&E
Meals purchased for Student Athletes while traveling.
No Yes No No Yes Athletic Student Meals | Domestic; Athletic Student Meals | International
Meals: Student Group T&E

Meals purchased for non-athletic Student Groups while traveling.

No Yes No Yes Yes Travel Non-employee (SC0745), Travel Student (SC0746) Student Group Meals | Domestic; Student Group Meals | International
Meals: Travel

For meals/food purchased while in travel status. Employees may claim either Per Diems or Actual Meals / Day Trip Meals. Non-employees may only claim Actual Meals. Any included alcohol must be paid for using local funds. See also: Meals: Business See Food Purchases at UVA for information on types of meals. See FIN-004 Travel, Meals, and Entertainment Expenses Incurred on Behalf of the University for policies and procedures.

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Travel Non-employee (SC0745), Travel Student (SC0746) Travel Meals Actual | Domestic, Travel Meals Actual | Domestic, Travel, Employee Training; Travel Meals Actual | International; Travel Meals Actual | International, Travel, Employee Training, Business Travel Meals | Domestic; Business Travel Meals | Domestic, Travel, Employee Training; Business Travel Meals | International; Business Travel Meals | International, Travel, Employee Training
Medical and Dental Services (Hospital or Clinic)

Medical services provided by nurses: physicians and similar health care professionals: including materials and supplies

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Services Professional UPG-AHPs (SC0213), Services Professional UPG-MDs (SC0214) Medical Services
Medical and Dental Services (Non-Hospital: Non-Clinic)
Yes Yes Yes Yes No Services Professional UPG-AHPs (SC0213), Services Professional UPG-MDs (SC0214) Medical Services
Medical and Dental Supplies PO

Medical and dental supplies are tools: instruments: and supplies used by healthcare professionals and laboratories. Specific products include dental hand instruments: plaster: drills: amalgams: cements: and other implements. This category does not include Capital Equipment: and should not be used with spend categories "Services: Medical" or "Services: Dental."

No No Yes No No Supplies Medical & Dental (SC0272), Equip NonCapital Medical & Dental (SC0346)

Henry Schein Inc Medline Industries | Owens & Minor | Wa Butler Company/Covetrus | Cardinal Health

Medical Services: Preceptor

For services of a physician giving practical experience and training to a medical student. See also: Medical and Dental Services: (Hospital or Clinic) Medical and Dental Services: (Non-Hospital: Non-Clinic)

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Services Skilled Other Preceptors (Non-Employees Only) (SC0218)
Memberships to Non-Professional Groups T&E

Memberships to non-professional groups and organizations. UVA funds may NOT be used for memberships in political or religious organizations.

No Yes Yes Yes Yes Membership Fees to Organizations (SC0166) Non-Professional Memberships
Memberships to Professional Organizations T&E

Expenses for memberships to professional organizations

Yes Yes No Yes Yes Membership Fees to Organizations (SC0166) Professional Licenses/Fees
Memberships to Suppliers' Discount Clubs T&E
Business membership only allowed to be paid by T&E card: not to be used for personal purchases
No Yes No No No Non-Professional Memberships
Memorial Contributions T&E

For expression of sympathy and support upon death of employee: student: major donor: or their immediate family. Only local funds can be used. This commodity is eVA exempt only for cash contributions. See Also: Contributions and Donations.

Yes Yes Yes No Yes Contributions & Donations
Mileage Reimbursement

It is at the department's discretion to determine the origin location (individual's house vs. workplace) to calculate mileage when driving a personal vehicle. -For more information, see this site

Yes No No Yes Yes Travel Non-employee (SC0745), Travel Student (SC0746) Mileage; Mileage, Travel, Employee Training
Moving and Relocation Services PO

​​​​​​If Human Resources extends Moving and Relocation expenses as part of an employee’s offer letter, they will receive a Moving Agreement to execute.  In compliance with IRS regulations, all payments by the employer are made through the University’s Accounts Payable Department, minus applicable taxes.  If employees use one of the University’s contracted moving companies, the amount paid directly to the moving company will be deducted from the moving agreement allotment before the payroll check is disbursed.  If the employee pays for their move, the entire amount agreed upon in the moving agreement is disbursed through the University’s Accounts Payable Team, minus taxes.  If Moving and Relocation expenses are not included in your employment offer, departments cannot pay moving expenses. For more information, reference the Moving & Relocation Information on the HR website or the Employee Relocation Guide on the UVAFinance website.

No No Yes No Yes American of Virginia, Coleman Worldwide Moving, Hilldrup Companies Inc.
Office Space (Leases) SIR

Expenses of a tenant for the use of a structure or part of a structure

Yes Yes No Yes No Rent Buildings and Facilities (SC0311) Rent: Storage & Facilities
Office Supplies PO
UVA’s Reusable Office Supply Exchange (ROSE) Program [] offers free: gently or never used office supplies to community members. When possible: purchase paper that contains recycled content and/or is Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified.
No Yes Yes No Yes

The Supply Room

Office Supplies
Parking T&E

Parking fees incurred while traveling on official University business. Commuter parking fees are not an allowable expense. Parking fines are not an allowable expense

Yes Yes No Yes Yes Travel Non-employee (SC0745), Travel Student (SC0746)
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) PO, T&E

PPE refers to protective clothing: hard hats: footwear: gloves: face shields: goggles: facemasks: or other related materials designed to protect the wearer from either the spread of infection or personal injury in the workplace. For lab PPE guidance: refer to the UVA EHS website. For updates related to the COVID-19 pandemic: UVA posts content here.

No No Yes No No Supplies Personal Care (SC0410), Services Skilled Other (SC0219)

The Supply Room | Daycon | Henry Schein Inc | Grainger | Medline Industries | VWR International | Fisher Scientific

Photography Services T&E
No Yes Yes No No Skilled Services | Domestic; Skilled Services | International
Plumbing Supplies PO
Facilities Management handles building plumbing repairs
No No Yes No No

Ferguson | Noland

Postage T&E

Postage. Does not include mailing services fees.

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Services US Postal (SC0156) US Mail; Express Mail Services
Prescription Drugs PO

Prescription drugs are medications that can only be obtained with a prescription from a licensed healthcare provider. Purchase of certain items requires researcher registration with the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). For the correct forms and templates: and for more information on purchasing controlled substances: see the VP for Research Controlled Substance Application & Renewal Process.

No No Yes No No Supplies Pharmaceutical Drugs (SC0274)

Life Technologies Corporation | Medline Industries | Owens & Minor

Printing Services PO
Internal Service Provider: UVA Printing & Copying Service
No Yes Yes No Yes Printing; Copying Services; Hotel Phone/Wifi/Printing | Domestic; Hotel Phone/Wifi/Printing | Domestic, Travel, Employee Training; Hotel Phone/Wifi/Printing | International; Hotel Phone/Wifi/Printing | International, Travel, Employee Training
Promotional Services PO
No Yes No Services Skilled Other (SC0219)
Publications, Books, and other purchased Media T&E

For electronic or print publications. Includes books that remain University property, reprints, slide presentations, videos, films, and DVDs. Does not include subscriptions and journals.

No Yes Yes No Yes Services Publication Costs (SC0164), Supplies Books (Non-Library) (SC0260), Library Collections (SC0338) Publication Services, Article Processing Charges, Books Non-Library, Library Books
Radioactive Materials PO
Only a Principal Investigator (for Possession and Use of Radioactive Material) (PI) and Qualified Users (with written permission) are allowed to order radioactive material. For a guideline on ordering radioactive material in Workday: click on the following link: [How-to-Order-Radioactive-Material-in-Workday.pdf] Medical ordering of radioactive material is conducted in People Soft. For questions: contact (434.982.4919). []
No No Yes No No
Refrigerators: Laboratory PO

Lab refrigerators are cold storage equipment used in the University's scientific and healthcare environments. They are used to store and protect temperature-sensitive products: samples: specimens: chemicals: drugs: solutions: and other substances that require a defined: internal storage temperature. When possible: lab refrigerators should be Energy Star-certified to ensure efficient use of resources. Visit the UVA Green Labs website to learn more about resources to support cold storage management in your lab.

No No Yes No No Equip Capital Laboratory (SC0494), Equip NonCapital Laboratory (SC0345)

VWR International | Fisher Scientific

Renovation Services PO
Handled by Facilities Management. Start the process by entering a service request at this link:
No No Yes No No
Royalties T&E
Yes Yes No Yes No
Scholarships and Stipends SIR

Compare with Gifts and Honoraria and Fellows

Yes No Yes Yes No Fellows Stipends International Graduate (SC0126), Fellows Stipends Non UVA Student (SC0143), Fellows Stipends Post-Doc Graduate (SC0127), Fellows Stipends US Graduate (SC0128), Scholarship Stipends International Undergraduate (SC0139)
Security Systems and Guards PO
No No Yes No No
Skilled Services: Domestic T&E

Professional services such as translators: tour guides: photographers: etc: within the U.S.

No Yes Yes Yes No Services Skilled Other (SC0219) Skilled Services | Domestic
Skilled Services: International T&E

Professional services such as translators: tour guides: photographers: etc: outside of the U.S.

No Yes Yes Yes Yes Services Skilled Other (SC0219) Skilled Services | International
Software Licenses & Subscriptions (SaaS & Cloud) PO

Software term licenses: to include Software-as-a-Service licenses: and web-based software subscriptions. IT Compliance recommends all third-party vendors with access to UVA data be reviewed; this includes both cloud software suppliers and consultants (this includes consultants accessing data which does not leave UVA). For more information: refer to the IT Compliance site. *NOTE: For software & applications that will be installed on your device: please use the expense item, Computer Software & Applications (Installed).

No Yes Yes No Yes Rent Software (SC0309)…

Software Licenses & Subscriptions
Storage Services T&E
For rental of Storage Space. Leases must be processed and signed by either the Director of Space and Real Estate Management or by the Assistant Vice President for Finance.
Yes Yes Yes No No Rent: Storage & Facilities
Subscription Fees

Subscription fees for journals: publications: databases: and other access paid for material (print or electronic)

No Yes Yes Yes Yes Services Subscriptions for Publications (SC0167) Subscriptions/Publications
Taxi T&E

Includes taxi: rideshare: shuttle service.

Yes Yes No Yes Yes Travel Non-employee (SC0745), Travel Student (SC0746)

Travel Contracts page []

Taxi/Shuttle/Limo | Domestic; Taxi/Shuttle/Limo | Domestic, Travel, Employee Training; Taxi/Shuttle/Limo | International; Taxi/Shuttle/Limo | International, Travel, Employee Training
Telephone Service: Landline T&E

T&E Card is the required payment method for landline telephone service. Note: New employees may be provided with VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) service instead of a physical handheld device.

Yes Yes No No Yes Telecom/Cell/Internet; Telecom Non DIT
Telephone Service: Wireless T&E

For information about contracts that UVA users may access for business use on mobile devices with pricing and sales representative contact information,  please review Wireless Carrier Procurement Info.

Cell phones may be purchased and expensed if the equipment is procured for business use. An associated Cell Phone Agreement is available for department use.

Yes Yes No No Yes

Verizon | AT&T | T-Mobile

Telecom/Cell/Internet; Telecom Non DIT
Television & Streaming Services T&E

Television services include but are not limited to: traditional offerings like satellite: cable: and fiber TV; as well as live TV and on-demand streaming.

No Yes No Yes Yes Services Utility Connection Fees (SC0222), Services Telecom Non-DIT Other (SC0378) Telecom/Cell/Internet; Telecom Non DIT
Television and Video Production Services PO

Television and Video Production Services.

No No Yes No No Services Skilled Other (SC0219)
Tents (On or Off Grounds) PO

For the rental or purchase of non-camping/event and camping tents for University functions. Requires necessary permits per policy SEC-013: Tent Use on University Property and the Department of Safety and Security (DSS), Office of Fire Safety


No No Yes No No Rent Equipment (SC0310)

Skyline Tent

Tolls T&E

Tolls paid while traveling on official University business. EZ Pass or other Toll Pass programs are an allowable expense. Toll fines incurred are not an allowable expense.

Yes Yes No Yes Yes Travel Non-employee (SC0745), Travel Student (SC0746) Toll | Domestic; Toll | Domestic, Travel, Employee Training; Toll | International; Toll | International, Travel, Employee Training

For classes: workshops: conferences: or training provided by professional organizations: a vendor: or an individual.

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Services Training Consultant (SC0169), Employee Training Registration Fee & Materials (SC0168) Skilled Services | Domestic; Skilled Services | International
Trash Collection PO
Handled by Facilities Management on grounds.
No No Yes No No
Travel Insurance (individual / employee) T&E

Employees registered on the International Travel Registry [] will be provided with International Health & Emergency Assistance Insurance [] coverage through CISI. Additional travel insurance may be purchased if desired. Please note: travel insurance is often needed to obtain a visa for international travel.

Yes Yes No No Yes Travel Insurance | Domestic; Travel Insurance | Domestic, Travel, Employee Training; Travel Insurance | International; Travel Insurance | International, Travel, Employee Training
Truck Rental T&E

Truck rentals are typically used to move equipment to another location or to move offices. We recommend using a contracted supplier for truck rentals, but you are permitted to rent from non-contracted vendors as long as insurance is purchased. See the Vehicle Rental page for additional information. Review policy PRM-014: Use and Management of University Vehicles for 12 & 15 passenger van rentals. *Note: Truck rentals are not allowed to be reimbursed or paid on the T&E Card for moving and relocation. See the Moving & Relocation page for more information.

Yes Yes No Yes Yes Equipment Rental

Tuition reimbursements should be submitted through HR using the Education Benefit Request in Workday using Central or Departmental funds. Tuition is not allowed to be reimbursed on an expense report. For more information can be found here.


Yes No No No No
University Foundation Payments PO
For payments to University Foundations.
Yes Yes Yes No No
Utilities PO
Handled by Facilities Management on grounds
Yes Yes Yes No No Electric/Utility Services
Water Service T&E
Machine rental: water jugs: or bottled water: usually as part of a water service. The University's strategic contract for this service is with The Supply Room Companies. See Also: Bottled Water
No Yes Yes No Yes

Quench | The Supply Room Companies

Water Jug Services
Web Design Services PO

Web design services include user research: testing: customer journey mapping: content strategy: information architecture: wireframing and prototyping: UI design: etc.

No No Yes No No Services NonAcademic Consulting (SC0175), Services Advertising and Media (SC0181)

Braid LLC - UVA2143962 | Digital Pulp - UVA-AGR-530 | Digital Echidna - UVA-AGR-SVC-00034 | mStoner - UVA-AGR-536 | OHO - UVA-AGR-537 | Stamats - UVA-AGR-538 | Talentech - UVA-AGR-SVC-00305

Window Treatments PO
Includes blinds: drapes and drapery: screens: shades: shutters: etc. Handled by Facilities Management. Start the process by entering a service request at this link:
No No Yes No No