
December 2024

Expense Item Updates

As of October 28, 2024, new automatic airline refund rules went into effect, per the U.S. Department of Transportation’s rule and amendment to the rule.


This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) is designed to walk through the process of stopping a check payment to a supplier. A stop payment request may be made for several reasons: Incorrect address, need to change payment from check to ACH, check was never received or was lost, payment was made in error, etc. By the end of this QRG you should be able to submit a Stop Payment form with all the needed information.

What's a Match Exception?

When your Workday purchase order lines and corresponding supplier invoice lines do not have the same price and/or quantity or your purchase order totals and invoice totals do not have the same price and/or quantity, you get a match exception.  

It's important to be proactive with match exceptions -- don't ignore the notifications you receive about one of your invoices being under match exception, because invoices under match exception can't be paid.  This means the suppliers you use won't receive payment. 

This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) walks Employees and Delegates through the process of e-mailing receipts for expense reports directly to Workday.  (As of October 1, 2024)

This Quick Steps guide provides the overall steps to submit an expense report. For detailed steps and more 
information, see the Create Expense Report Quick Reference Guide (QRG)

This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) walks Employees through using the Expenses Hub app. The Expenses Hub 
should automatically display in your list of Apps under Menu. If it is not displayed, you can add it via the 
Add Apps button at the bottom of the Apps menu (Menu > Apps).

This is a file of potentially confusing spend categories with hopefully helpful definitions/descriptions.  We'll be adding to it as needed.  (Updated June 7, 2024)

As of June 7, 2024, UVA Accounts Payable has outsourced c

As of June 7, 2024, UVA Accounts Payable has outsourced check printing to Bank of America.  For those schools and units that need "hold for pickup" checks printed, the process remains largely the same except turnaround time.  

"Hold for pickup" checks will be available one to two business day after the invoice is paid in Workday.  See the schedule below. 

How to expense a refund or credit on a T&E Card
Canceling a T&E Card for departing and departed employees

This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) informs Procurement Shoppers how to find and view a purchase order. 

T&E cards for Students or Non-Employees

Travel on UVA business?  Handle travel arrangements for others?  This is the expo for you!  Feel free to share this flyer with others in your area.

This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) is designed to inform end users what to consider when initiating a change 
order on a multi-year purchase order that has been rolled forward.

All about Activity Stream, added functionality in Workday