
Search for invoice status using your supplier number
Information for departments and suppliers in registering with PaymentWorks as a supplier for the University of Virginia.
Guidelines on when the T&E card may be used for non-eVA excluded items
When a supplier needs UVA's IRS W-9 information. Request for Taxpayer Identification Numbers
My Customer is Requesting the University's W-9 Form, where can I obtain one? When a supplier needs UVA's IRS W-9 Information

1.    Gift cards for employees should NOT be purchased through the punchout.  Employee gift cards must be purchased via a T&E Card and reconciled in the Expense module to comply with tax reporting requirements.
    Note:  If multiple gift cards with varying values are purchased in a single transaction, they must be itemized in the expense report to ensure accurate taxation for the employees.

There are four product choices in two categories for your gift card needs:

Open Loop: VISA gift cards that can be utilized at any merchant where a traditional VISA card is accepted. These cards are valid for 12 months from the date of purchase, and there are no reissues or refunds on expiring/expired codes.
1. Open Loop Digital
-Subject to a $2.95 per card processing fee (included in gift card total when ordering).
2. Open Loop Physical

Workday reports that have a summarized Obligations column often have a lot of “noise”.  Workday shows all journals (full transparency) related to the account.  For obligations, that includes the journal that moves it into the obligation ledger as well as any journal that liquates that obligation (or zeros out that obligation) when it moves from an obligation to an actual in the actuals ledger. 

Here is an example of what that can look like:

No. Please refer to the Goods & Services Guide for preferred payment methods. Payments should be made by PO, Supplier Invoice request, T&E card, or personal credit card/cash for reimbursement. Goods and services purchased with a gift card, airline miles, personal unused ticket credits, credit card points, or similar are not reimbursable.  

This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) is designed to answer some potential questions that may arise concerning ordering from America To Go.

How do I clear obligations?

This FAQ contains frequently asked questions pertaining to Match Exceptions. Use the table of contents below to control + click to go directly to that question and answer. For step-by-step guidance on how to find and address a match exception, review the Match Exception Investigation and Correction QRG. For details and updates on spend issues, refer to the Action Plan to Address Spend Issues page.

Instructions on how to print a Purchase Order


Signature authority is a formal delegation that allows an individual to sign or otherwise enter into an agreement that legally binds the university to terms and conditions. This includes written contracts that bind or obligate the university to a financial or a non-financial commitment. Agreements signed by unauthorized employees or agents are not valid and do not bind the university.

Governing Statues for Procurement of Goods & Services in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
How to purchase furniture
Best practices for completing a purchase order (PO)
Login information and the link to view UVA contracts
Details on shipping and mail contracts and tips for how to save on shipping costs