There's a new crop of tips and tricks from our AP team this week!Tips for tax: An invoice should follow the terms and conditions of PO, whether to include tax or not, assuming that the PO is responsible for the origin of the Invoice. Remember that UVA is tax-exempt and can supply a tax-exempt certificate at a vendor's request.Tip on Invoice processing: When entering invoices manually, enter the supplier invoice number first to let the system check if the invoice already exists
Stephanie, Murphy, and PeterStephanie McAteer really likes puzzles, whether they’re the actual, boxed variety with hundreds to thousands of pieces or the financial variety that involves analyzing financial statements and deep dives into numbers. Her love of fashioning a big picture out of a myriad of little pieces serves her well as a Senior Financial Analyst in UVAFinance, a role she’s held for eight months now (we’re a little late in introducing her).McAteer hails from Williamsburg and has a b
Stephanie, Murphy, and PeterStephanie McAteer really likes puzzles, whether they’re the actual, boxed variety with hundreds to thousands of pieces or the financial variety that involves analyzing financial statements and deep dives into numbers. Her love of fashioning a big picture out of a myriad of little pieces serves her well as a Senior Financial Analyst in UVAFinance, a role she’s held for eight months now (we’re a little late in introducing her).McAteer hails from Williamsburg and has a b
Finance Reporting and Analytics Release Notes for May 22 have been posted to the UVAFinance website. This update includes significant new reports and modifications that have been released since April 10 as well as known issues that we are investigating or working on currently.A friendly reminder that you can always find this information and more reporting resources at Business Intelligence & Analytics | UVA Finance ( are some highlights: WorkdayAccount Certification Rep
UVA has launched a punchout with Quartzy, a lab inventory management platform and scientific research supply marketplace, in the UVA Marketplace. Quartzy fosters our waste reduction and sustainable procurement initiatives by providing a central lab inventory platform to monitor stock levels and minimize unnecessary ordering.Benefits of Quartzy Punchout: No copy/pasting fields for the labs when placing orders with QuartzyAll UVA labs receive a $250 credit as well as a two-year free subscrip
This year UVAFinance plans to participate in the annual United Way Laurence E. Richardson Day of Caring, which will take place on Wednesday, September 20th. Please mark your calendars if you are interested in participating. We will share more information and details in the coming months. You can read more about the 32nd Annual Day of Caring on the United Way of Greater Charlottesville's website.
Moserah Nkosi will graduate with the UVA class of 2023 on May 21, but the foreign affairs major has been a part of the Ask Finance Team since early in the month.Nkosi as a HS GradNkosi is no stranger to customer service, having worked multiple jobs during school. Being on the front lines in restaurants and grocery stores has made her at ease in solving problems and given her perspective on stress. In her first days on the job, she says it’s been great having so much help and support, but
Lee Bobbio joined UVAFinance in November of 2022 as an Accounts Payable Specialist but somehow managed to fly under the UVAFinance Blog’s radar until recently. We’re pleased to officially welcome him to the team!The Bobbio familyBobbio has a broad background in finance and banking, as well as a variety of technological pursuits. Of his transition to academia from his most recent role in management at SunTrust bank, Bobbio says he finds different nuances to the traditional corporate environment
New resource alert! Folks have been asking questions about working with America to Go, so UVAFinance trainer Jack Jensen developed this FAQ Quick Reference Guide to help out. It's basic right now but we're happy to add to it, so please share any additional suggestions and questions with From America To Go FAQ Quick Reference Guide_____________________________________________________________Related Content: AP Tips & Tricks
May is the season to celebrate academic achievements! If you or someone in your immediate family is graduating this year, your UVAFinance teammates would like to celebrate with you. It doesn't matter if they graduated pre-K, high school, college, or just became a doctor. Please share your news with the blog by emailing us before the close of business on May 22. We need to know your name and their name, your relationship, plus where they graduated from. A picture would be wo
Did you know that you can give another employee feedback in Workday? Whether a direct report, manager, or colleague in your department or outside of your department, Workday has a feature that allows you to share feedback with that person. Simply find the person in Workday and click on the Actions button below their name and select Give Feedback.You can share the feedback with just the person, with the person and their manager, or you can use the feature for documentation purposes and choose not
The Clean-Up Squad has only been on the scene since the end of April and they've already made great progress. Take a look: Adjust Accounting: 2841 recordsAssign Costing Allocation: 370 recordsClose Purchase Order: 27 recordsCreate Change Order: 14 recordsCreate Payroll Accounting Adjustments: 173 recordsRevise Internal Service Delivery: 314 recordsRevise Payroll Accounting Adjustments: 66 recordsThat's a total of 3,805 transactions done in just a couple of weeks' worth for some of our
UVAFinance is pitching in to help schools and units in the necessary cleanup of financial transactions before the end of the fiscal year by creating the Clean-Up Squad. We've onboarded a talented team of temps who will, for the next months, take up the task of spring-cleaning thousands of financial transactions for you! You can read more about this effort here. We thought you’d like to get to know the team who is tidying up your financial transactions. Plus, the Clean-Up Squad members are seek
The UVAFinance Clean Up Squad continues to make progress keying financial transactions for UVA schools and units ahead of fiscal year-end (read more about this effort here; read more about four of our squad members on the blog here). We've noticed as we've been tidying up that some schools and units have been doing their own cleanup (well done!) and we wanted to share a few best practices on correcting transactions.Let's start with an example: A supplier invoice hits the wr
The Office for Sustainability joined the May Fiscal Administrator's meeting and provided updates on the current status of UVA's single-use plastics reduction efforts and shared that UVA has joined the Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council (SPLC). Single-Use Plastic Requirements: To align with the University's Sustainability goals, UVA will continue its commitment to reducing single-use plastics and will not purchase, distribute, or sell single-use plastics with UVA funds.&nb
Exciting news for the purchasing community across UVA! As of May 8, everyone with the Procurement Shopper role in Workday Finance can close POs in Workday. This decision returns some functionality users experienced in Oracle. Here's what the new permissions allow you to do:Close POsClose PO linesReopen POsReopen PO linesWhat you cannot do: Cancel POsClose or reopen RequisitionsWe have Quick Reference Guides for Closing Purchas Orders available online. Impor
Patty and Brandi discuss Ryan Holiday's book Stillness is the Key, a NY Times bestseller that describes how to stay steady and draw on inner peace while the world is anything but quiet. We go over the book's main concepts, historical examples, and practical applications, in the hopes that you'll find at least two or three ways that you can increase your own clarity, calm, and happiness. We learned much from Holiday's book and hope you will, too!LISTEN IN
Contributed by Amanda Lockhart DavisL to R: Rebecca Clore (temp), DeAnna Snead (temp), Jack Jensen (trainer),Leslie Williams (AP), Brittany Ripple (temp), and Sarah Outten (temp)How excited are we to report that invoice processing has moved in-house? SO EXCITED! And we know you're excited, too!All invoices are being processed in-house, on-Grounds, and within UVAFinance, by warm bodies with thoughtful brains.This Monday, April 24, a group of sharp-as-a-tack temps arrived to train with
UVAFinance team members share their expertise far and wide this month:Amanda Lockhart Davis and Adeline Coe were featured speakers and panelists at a CPE event hosted by PaymentWorks and Carahsoft. They shared their knowledge and experience on risk mitigation and the strategic importance of your vendor master file. Angela Knobloch was a panelist at CUPA-HR's Spring Conference in Boston. Her focus? Change Enablement across Finance Stakeholders. She's pictu
The Online Community, or CommunityHub, is a fond memory at this point, having sunset on April 19. If you find yourself missing something you used to access there, here's where it landed: Finance ContentMuch of the Finance content on CommunityHub was FST-related and has been archived. Content that was still relevant to the work we do, such as information related to the FDM, it has been moved to the appropriate area on the UVAFinance website. If you find yourself in need of something and y
Jacob Mair has accepted the position of Senior Director of Financial Accounting and Reporting, effective immediately. Mair has most recently served as Director of Financial Reporting and Accounting, was a leader on the Finance Strategic Transformation Project, and was even recognized last year with a Leonard Sandridge Award for his work and dedication throughout the FST project.This new role will have broader engagement regarding our annual audit and collaboration with the Medical Center, along
For UVAFinance Team MembersA Cisco AnyConnect update began rolling out on April 24th. This update is safe and you should install it when prompted.The prompt should occur sometime over the next month when you attempt to establish an HSVPN connection.
A new set of Finance Reporting & Analytics Release notes were posted on April 10. Did you miss them? You can see the whole release online here. There were lots of goodies in this month's notes! There were so many updates and new things, in fact, that you may have missed:The Research Administration Dashboard is now accessible to principal investigators.There's a new report in Workday that gives a managerial summary of current and projected fund balances for the Academic
L to R Jarod Verkleeren, Nika Vest, Dallas Pitt, and Jim Stolz: our Clean-Up Squad! You'llhear more about these awesome folks soon.Spring. It's the time of the year we clean out closets, wash windows, dust the blinds, and do other deep-cleaning chores. It's also a great time to tidy up financial transactions!UVAFinance is pitching in to help schools and units in the necessary cleanup of financial transactions before the end of the fiscal year by creating the Clean-Up