
How to expense sympathy flowers and gifts in Workday Expenses
How to purchase and expense gift cards
How to use Student Program Costs in Workday Expenses
How to expense a fraudulent charge
Procedure on booking and expensing bundle travel.
How to expense COVID tests in Workday Expenses
How to obtain a competitive price on a rental car
IRS Mileage reimbursement rate
Guidelines on using per diem meals vs. travel actual meals
Guidelines on assigning expense delegates

Each school and business unit has assigned Expense Ambassadors to assist in training employees in their area on how to use the University's Workday Expense system as well as answer questions regarding their area's expensing policies and procedures.

The Ambassador database is maintained by the Travel & Expense team. Please reach out to if you have any questions.  


Goods and Services Guide for University of Virginia for Buying and Paying Goods & Services. Preferred purchasing guidelines.