To review a list of known issues we are working on please visit our Workday Finance status page. Have something additional to report? Contact
To review a list of known issues we are working on please visit our Workday Finance status page. Have something additional to report? Contact
Auxiliary Units are units that provide goods or services to students, faculty or staff for a fee. They are units that are required to be self-supporting meaning they must bring in enough money to cover their costs.
How can I tell if my area is an Auxiliary?
If your area is part of an academic unit within a school, you are not an auxiliary.
2023 Internal Controls Assessment for Business Units Survey Questions
Policies and procedures for Internal Controls Assessment.
Signed September 28, 2023
Slides for the Account Certification Workday Process lesson.
UVA's Annual Financial Report for 2023
Agency Risk Management and Internal Control Standards (ARMICS) is an initiative of the Department of Accounts (DOA) for all state agencies within the Commonwealth of Virginia. The primary purpose of ARMICS is to ensure fiscal accountability and safeguard the Commonwealth's assets.
The Commonwealth of Virginia has designed ARMICS to achieve the following objectives:
Workday reports that have a summarized Obligations column often have a lot of “noise”. Workday shows all journals (full transparency) related to the account. For obligations, that includes the journal that moves it into the obligation ledger as well as any journal that liquates that obligation (or zeros out that obligation) when it moves from an obligation to an actual in the actuals ledger.
Here is an example of what that can look like:
In Workday there are 3 ledgers – Commitments, Obligations, and Actuals.
Commitments - Accounting related to funds for future known or expected spending (pre-encumbered). The commitments ledger is utilized to track journal entries for requisitions and payroll for unfilled positions.
Obligations – Accounting related to funds that represent obligations to pay (encumbered). The obligations ledger is utilized for purchase orders and payroll for filled positions.
The approver for some transactions (i.e., Account Certifications, Accounting Journals, etc.) with a Gift worktag will depend on whether the Gift is in the Allocated Gifts hierarchy.
Gift in the Allocated Gifts hierarchy, the approver will be the Cost Center Manager.
Gift NOT in the Allocated Gifts hierarchy, the approver will be the Unit Gift Manager.
All about Activity Stream, added functionality in Workday
Payroll Accounting Adjustments for Grants (Video Demonstration)
Ad Hoc Bank Transaction Merchant Account (Video Demonstration)
Ad Hoc Bank Transaction Department Deposit (Video Demonstration)
Financial Reporting & Accounting (Video Demonstration)
Accounting Journals Accounting Adjustment (Video Demonstration)