
This form will help you to consider all your stakeholders and how best to communicate with them; breaks it down in an easy-to-digest, visual manner.

These PowerPoint templates are provided for both UVAFinance and Finance Strategic Transformation Zoom backgrounds.

When to use these templates:

These templates were developed to provide a standard representation of the UVAFinance brand and to allow you to be easily identified in larger groups. Please use them when you think that information would be helpful.

Simple, fillable communication plan template.

Message Mapping is a useful exercise for crisis communications as well as speechwriting and developing communications campaigns. Using a simple framework enables you to stay on message and remain focused. 

UVAFinance Letterhead (Behind Netbadge)

  • If the student's permanent home address is other than their local address, both their local and permanent home addresses should be listed. The same applies to phone numbers.
  • Length of Service – the amount of time and dates the volunteer is authorized to act on behalf of the University in a volunteer capacity. If this time frame changes for any reason, this form should be updated accordingly.
  • A complete and accurate description of the volunteer's activities is important.

Perform a safety inspection before each trip: Make sure that the pin securing the ball mount to the receiver is intact, the hitch coupler is secured, spring bar hinges are tight with the safety clips in place (load equalizer or weight distributing hitches), safety chains are properly attached, and the electrical plug is properly installed. Check for rust on the hitch components.  Once a year, remove and check the ball mount which can rust within the receiver.  If any component shows evidence of perforation, take it to repair facility before using. 

Know your weight limits

This is not an org chart, but instead is meant to give a general idea of what functions reside in which areas of UVAFinance.

This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) is designed to walk a Multi-Funding Source Manager (Projects) through the process of reprocessing project related transactions.

Training on using the UBI Portal

Reference list for capital asset purchases; note that one tab is for capital equipment and one is for spend categories for "non-capital" or expense items such as maintenance contracts or lab supplies.

FY24 schedule of UVAFinance focus on values,  See all UVAFinance values here: 

Do you have many account certification lines to review?  This video will walk you through how to use the Details for Account Certification Report to help get the job done.   Hit the link below.

Labor Level Codes are essentially the passthrough 8x/9x MC-Cost Centers that the Medical Center uses in Kronos. You can use the FDM for Medical Center Passthrough Cost Centers report to search for the Grant number provided and see what the Cost Center code is. If a Passthrough Cost Center does not yet exist for a particular driver (Designated, Project, Gift, or Grant), a request to have one created can be made through the Medical Center Passthrough Cost Center Template Form.

This error may occur when the Costing Allocation start date is before the Position start date. To resolve this, make sure that the Costing Allocation start date is on or after the Position start date.  

Another solution may be to leave the Costing Company blank if you aren’t charging payroll outside the Rector and Visitors company. When left blank, Workday will default to charge the Company that the Worker’s Position is assigned to (in HCM). 

Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Book by MBU, Approved June 2, 2023  

White Text on White Background


T&E cards for Students or Non-Employees